Have you ever taken a moment to stop, to just stop and think about what you think about most? As contradictory as that may sound, it could be one of the most important things that you do. You see, we truly do become what we think about. We do become what we surround ourselves with. We do become what we create!
The results are in for the Open and Masters Men's Physique Competitors at the Pro Show this weekend in Sacramento. Taking home 1st place in Open is Jeremy Buendia, no stranger to taking home the big first place in the great state of California. Walking off stage with 1st in the Masters is Jake Phippen.
A big congrats to all of the gentlemen taking the stage and making all of us proud! Following are the complete results.
Open Men's Physique Results
Masters Men's Physique Results
For pics click through here: http://gallery.rxmuscle.com/index.php?contest=89&year=913
Mike Cavanaugh has his eye on the prize!
Congrats on a great showing! What made you decide to compete in the Men’s Physique Division?
Men's Physique seemed like a great fit for my physique and body type based on the judging criteria. I've always been very lean and never had the bodybuilder frame. I think it's a great division for me and many others because it broadens the spectrum for guys with different types of physiques...
I saw a great shirt today at the gym that said "know your why." The statement really stood out to me because the second most popular question that I get asked (behind “Is Brickhouse really your last name?”) is "Why do you work out so much?"
I'm happy to share my reasons with anyone that wants to listen, and sometimes even those that don't. However, knowing my "why" may not be your answer. Whether it’s why you work at a particular job, why you have a particular habit, or even why you are with a certain person, knowing your reasons are what's important...
Dontavious Gray’s tale of the Titan Open
Congrats on a great showing! What made you decide to compete in the Men’s Physique Division?
After I couldn’t play sports anymore due to knee injuries, I used to want to compete in bodybuilding but I did not want that very muscular/vascular look. When I found out about the Men’s Physique Division two years ago, I knew this was the route for me to finally get on stage and regain the competitive edge I had been looking for.
When you start building a house, what is the most important part? The foundation. How about when you build your physique? What’s the most important part? Again, the answer doesn’t change – it’s the foundation, a.k.a. your legs. Without an adequate base, most athletes will be hard pressed to get the strength and power needed throughout the rest of their body as many exercises and routines require powerful legs. There tends to be a common theme here; if your foundation is weak, your upper body won’t be able to reach its potential either.
Yesterday was a big day in the IFBB Men’s Physique world. There were shows on both coasts and each had a very strong turnout. First up was the IFBB Fort Lauderdale Cup hosted by Shannon Dey of Bombshell Fitness. Sixteen MP competitors took the stage. When the dust settled the Top 5 were:
1. Matthew Acton
2. Michael Anderson
3. Anthony Brigman
4. Sheridan Hause
5. William Sullivan
This of course means that Matthew Acton has solidified his place on the 2014 Olympia stage and the remaining four competitors have earned points towards that same goal.
On the same day, but starting later on the other side of the country in Culver City, CA was the Titans Grand Prix. The Titans Grand Prix is one of a multitude of shows that promoter Jon Lindsay has brought to the west coast. For this highly competitive show, 19 MP PRO’s took the stage. In a hard fought battle the Top 5 shook out as follows:
1. Tyler Anderson
2. Matt Christianer
3. Xavisus Gayden
4. Jonathan Sebastian
5. Derek Lemm
These results assure Tyler Anderson his place on the 2014 Olympia stage and the remaining four already have points in the bank with hopes of stepping on that stage.
A big congrats to all of the competitors that from rxmuscle.com that took the stage and brought their very best. You make us and this division proud!
They say that bodybuilding competitions are won from the back, and I
think that the same can be said about the Men's Physique Division. It
is very important to have developed back muscles due to the fact that
they play a part in both your front and back poses. Here is a routine
that can help you build a wide muscular back so that you can create a
show-winning v-taper:
Question. What is your favorite body part to train ______________?
Chest? Biceps? Legs? Shoulders?
I bet you dollars to doughnuts that very few of your answered “back.” Why, is that? Well, there are several reasons. First, the back isn’t a glamorous muscle like the chest or biceps. Second, building a great back, from top to bottom, takes hard work and effort. And, third, taking ‘selfies’ to show off your back is pretty darn hard. Seriously, you almost need to be contortionist to take a solid back picture.
Many cities across the country dispatch health inspectors to monitor the food safety of restaurants and eateries open to the public. In addition to providing these records online, cities like Washington, DC require restaurants to post their most recent health inspection grades prominently in the windows of their establishment. These grades serve notice to all, regarding the quality of that restaurants cleanliness.
So, what does this have to do with bodybuilding? A lot, actually...
Natrian Maxwell, Consistency Equals Success!
Congrats on a great showing! What made you decide to compete in the Men’s Physique Division?
Always being an athlete I had a lot of competitive drive left in the tank. For me personally, I felt as if a piece of my identity was lost after college sports ended. For a few years I tried my hand at different sports such as boxing, mixed martial arts and semi pro football, however, nothing helped reignite my fire like Men’s Physique has.
In the ongoing journey towards achieving aesthetics, we must evaluate what constitutes that ideal image or “look”. To take a deeper dive into the topic, we can start by looking at the various divisions in the NPC and the IFBB to discover any common or recurring themes in what those organizations deem to be an aesthetic look. Setting aside the obvious tans and shredded abs, the large rounded shoulders to small waist ratio stands out as the basis for creating that pleasing look. How to achieve it? Well, it varies from person to person but here’s what I do:
A very common way to warm-up prior to resistance training workouts is to first do a general warm-up consisting cardio or callisthenic type exercises to increase heart rate and heat in the muscles (among other physiological changes). From there specific warm-up sets are usually performed for each body part being worked.
While this is certainly a useful strategy, I have also found it extremely beneficial to transition from the more general warm-up to the main resistance workout by also utilizing one or two movements that enhance full-body structural integration. These incorporate the fundamental movement patterns of Push, Pull, Bilateral Lower Body (i.e. Squat pattern), Unilateral Lower Body (i.e. Lunge pattern), and Rotation in various ways.
As someone who has worked with a large number of people on body transformations, something that clients looking to lose body fat bring up straight away when they come to work with me is whether they should add a fat burner to their supplement regime.
Competitive bodybuilders and physique athletes also turn to fat burners to help shed those last few pounds of body fat before competition. Diet is essential. If you’re not losing fat through diet and training then I would never suggest relying on a fat burner, however they can certainly help your progress, especially nearer the end of a cutting phase.
Measuring Progress in very important when working to lose fat. Here is what you need to do to keep track of fat loss.
1. Calculate your waist-to-hip ratio
Your waist-to-hip ratio — or the circumference of your waist divided by the circumference of your hips — can be a good indicator of whether you need to lose belly fat. Here's how to get it:
You hear it a lot in bodybuilding and fitness industry, "I'm hardcore.” So what makes someone hardcore? The answer will of course vary depending on who you talk to. Is it working out three hours a day? Maybe it’s doing two hours of fasted cardio a day. Or is it going no-carb, no-fat, and drastically cutting your calories? Is it giving up your entire social life, family, and any hobbies? Maybe it’s spending every last dollar you have on supplements and competing. Is it the combination of all the above things? I mean that all sounds "hardcore," right?
Food prep continues to be a tedious process for me, despite the fact that it is a regular occurrence. I am sure many of you can relate to such woes and are searching for ways to cut prep time down so you can take care of more important things in life. Usually I roast sweet potatoes in the oven, but I was particularly unmotivated the other evening and decided to adopt a lazy approach while still using the delicious marinade I typically mix up. I use a heavy hand with the spices because I want that holiday flavor, so you might want to cut down the portion of spices if you want a more basic flavor.
The 2013 Olympia is now officially in the record books. There were many questions leading up to the showdown and they were answered this past weekend. The first ever Olympia Men’s Physique champion has been crowned. Mark Anthony Wingson walked away from the Vegas stage on cloud nine with the title of first ever MP Olympia Champion.
From the inception of the Men’s Physique division into the NPC, the wonder of how the division would do was of paramount interest. “Would it thrive or struggle to survive,” was the question. After seeing the general interest in the division and the massive attention to the results of the first ever Men’s Physique competition at the O, it is safe to say that the division is thriving.
A huge congrats to ALL of the competitors that stepped on the stage for this crowning achievement. Each and every one of you made the fellow IFBB and NPC Men’s Physique competitors proud to be part of this still new and extremely powerful division.
The results of the 2013 Olympia Men’s Physique Division are as follows.
1. Mark Anthony
2. Jeremy Buendia
3. Matthew Acton
4. Sadik Hadzovic
5. Jason Poston
6. Tyler Anderson
7. Michael Anderson
8. Stephen Cook
9. Tory Woodward
10. Alex Carneiro
11. Jeff Seid
12. Anton Antipov
13. Matt Christianer
14. William Sullivan
15. Stephan Mass
16. John Nguyen
Results from NPCNEWSONLINE.com as well as the images when clicking upon the athlete's name.
Here is the list of the 2013 Men's Physique Olympia Competitors that will take the stage this weekend in Vegas. Following each competitor's name is a link directly to their contest pictures so that you can see their progress from contest to contest.
Steven Cook http://gallery.rxmuscle.com/index.php?bodybuilder=11913
Matt Christianer http://gallery.rxmuscle.com/index.php?bodybuilder=11664
Michael Anderson http://gallery.rxmuscle.com/index.php?bodybuilder=22902
Mark Anthony Wingson http://gallery.rxmuscle.com/index.php?bodybuilder=15620
Anton Antipov http://gallery.rxmuscle.com/index.php?bodybuilder=25918
Sadik Hadzovic http://gallery.rxmuscle.com/index.php?bodybuilder=23571
Matthew Acton http://gallery.rxmuscle.com/index.php?bodybuilder=25797
Jeremy Buendia http://gallery.rxmuscle.com/index.php?bodybuilder=43847
Tory Woodward http://gallery.rxmuscle.com/index.php?bodybuilder=36421
John Nguyen http://gallery.rxmuscle.com/index.php?bodybuilder=45341
Jeff Seid http://gallery.rxmuscle.com/index.php?bodybuilder=26382
Tyler Anderson http://gallery.rxmuscle.com/index.php?bodybuilder=4663
William Sullivan http://gallery.rxmuscle.com/index.php?bodybuilder=25924
Alex Carneiro http://gallery.rxmuscle.com/index.php?bodybuilder=18266
Jason Poston http://gallery.rxmuscle.com/index.php?bodybuilder=23111
Stephen Mass http://gallery.rxmuscle.com/index.php?bodybuilder=32452
Who do you think will finish Top 5?
How do you build a monster chest to fill out your t-shirt? Well, to really build muscle mass and induce muscle hypertrophy, it’s all about incorporating multi-joint exercises into your chest routine.
The chest is best stimulated and developed when it is fully stretched and flexed and targeted through movements designed to maximize development. For example, the upper chest is best stimulated from exercises done on a 30-45% incline bench, the middle chest is best stimulated from exercises done on a flat bench, and the lower chest is best stimulated from exercises done on a 30-45% decline bench.
The exercises below will ensure that each part of your chest is targeted so you will have a chest that resembles the Austrian Oak himself!
Meet the man in the shorts, Tyler Sandell. Tyler is chasing his dreams, no matter what!
Congrats on a great showing! What made you decide to compete in the Men’s Physique Division?
Honestly, I never really knew anything about the sport until I met a diet coach. She showed me how to pose and gave me the knowledge I needed to be a competitor. I was powerlifting at the time and coming out of my fourth knee surgery as well as changing my career out of the military. I saw my first show in July of 2012 and was hooked from that day on. I stepped on stage for the first time in August 2012 at the Jay Cutler Classic in Maryland, placing 7th out of 22...
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