
Fitness Factoids:Volume 42

madscientist1Fitness Factoids:Volume 42

Scientists Develop Anti-Aging Pill

As the anti-aging movement has continued to garner mainstream interest science has responded by increasing the amount of research dedicated to finding ways to extend our lifespan and increase our quality of life as we age. According to a new study published in the journal Cell, a team of researchers at the University of Wales have developed a pill that has shown the ability to reverse the aging process in mouse models.


Fitness Factoids: Volume 41

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BCAA’s Improve Sleep Problems

As bodybuilders we tend to view BCAA’s and leucine in particular, as the keys to turning on our anabolic machinery. The ability of BCAA’s to stimulate muscle protein synthesis have been known for decades, but new research suggest that they may provide an effective means of combating sleep disorders that result from traumatic brain injuries. New research published in the journal Science Translational Medicine has found that BCAA treatment improves sleep disorders by stimulating the production of neurotransmitters in the brain in a study done on mice who had suffered some form of traumatic brain injury.


Fitness Factoids: Volume 40

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Study Refutes Protein Timing for Strength and Hypertrophy Gains
Bodybuilders have traditionally been decades ahead of the popular and scientific opinions about nutrition. The idea of targeting an anabolic window for strength and muscles gains has been responsible for putting untold slabs of muscle on generations of bodybuilders. However, a recent meta-analysis of the scientific data to support the anabolic window theory refutes one of bodybuilding’s ten nutritional commandments.


Fitness Factoids: Volume 39

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Exercise Protects Women Against Crohn’s Disease

Over the last fifty years there has been a dramatic increase in the reported diagnosis of inflammatory bowel diseases such as ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Patients diagnosed with an inflammatory bowel disease can suffer from chronic debilitating pain and may require invasive surgery if conditions are unable to be improved my lifestyle modifications.


Fitness Factoids: Volume 38

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Combination of Nutrients Kills Breast Cancer Cells

A team of researchers from LSU Health Science Center in New Orleans and the Stanley S. Scott Cancer Center have developed a combination of six nutrients that were able to kill 100% of breast cancer cells according to data published in The Journal of Cancer. The researchers combined bioavailable chemical nutrients derived from; curcumin, isoflavone from soybeans, Indo-3 carbinol from cruciferous vegetables, C-phycocyanin from spirulina, resveratrol, and querceitin to form the compound.


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