Fitness Factoids: Volume 40

Fitness Factoids: Volume 40

Study Refrich piana 12utes Protein Timing for Strength and Hypertrophy Gains
Bodybuilders have traditionally been decades ahead of the popular and scientific opinions about nutrition. The idea of targeting an anabolic window for strength and muscles gains has been responsible for putting untold slabs of muscle on generations of bodybuilders. However, a recent meta-analysis of the scientific data to support the anabolic window theory refutes one of bodybuilding’s ten nutritional commandments. The Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition has released their findings which compiled the data from over 1,000 test subjects from 43 studies. According to the data, protein timing had no significant statistical impact on muscular strength or hypertrophy.


Milk Consumption During Youth Doesn’t Increase Bone Health in Elderly

We all heard the saying growing up “Milk does a body good”. According Rottenecards 16233263 bm3jbt2rjcto new data published by the Journal of the American Medical Association, that may not be true. The study tracked 96,000 participants over the course of twenty-two years. The frequency of milk consumption was tracked by survey questionnaires and regular assessments of health were recorded including; current diet, weight, height, smoking, physical activity, and use of medications among other things. According to the data there was no statistical evidence to support the theory that drinking milk during youth increased bone health or bone density. In fact, men who consumed eight ounces or more of milk per day during adolescence had a 9% increased risk for occurrence of hip fractures. The study provides evidence to support theories that teenagers have had since the dawn of time, parents don’t know what they’re talking about.


Exercise Benefits Those Suffering From Dementia

New data made available by The Cochrane Library shows that people suffering from dementia may benefit from the effects of exercise on cognitive function. The new data released was comprised of eight clinical trials that contained a total of 329 participants who all suffered from dementia. According the review, engaging in light exercise regimens increased cognitive function in patients that showcased the ability to perform unassisted tasks such as walking short distances, getting up from chairs, and an increased ability to carry out other daily activities. Although researchers note that more data is needed, the study provides hope to those caring for loved ones suffering from dementia that they may be able to extend the period in which they’re able to live unassisted.


Regular Exercise Improves Creativity
According to research published in the journal Froantoine valliant HIITntiers in Neuroscience, those who exercise regularly have an increased ability to think creatively than those who do not. It’s been known for decades that exercise improves blood flow to the brain. However, new evidence suggests that exercising four or more times per week will allow a person to tap into their well of creativity more easily than those who do little to no exercise. Researchers believe that regular exercise trains the brain’s ability to think reflexively and come up with creative solutions. The new evidence may suggest that there is truth to the rumor that Leonardo da Vinci engaged in heavy deadlifts just before he painted The Mona Lisa.



grape-seed-extract-500x500Grape Seed Extract Fights Cancer

Grape seed extract has long been heralded for its potent antioxidant properties and its effectiveness as a tool against neutralizing the damaging effects of free radicals. Previous research has shown that grape seed extract had a potent ability to cause apoptosis (cell death) in cancer cells, but which active component of the extract was responsible for this mechanism hadn’t been previously identified. Researchers from The University of Colorado have identified and isolated the specific compound responsible for inducing apoptosis. The compound, known as B2G2, was able to be synthesized by the team of researchers in the lab and was found to have a remarkable ability to neutralize cancers cells in a clinical setting. Researchers now hope to gain approval to begin human trials and attempt to provide an effective and affordable alternative to traditional cancer treatments. 


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