
Fitness Factoids: Volume #47

thJ6R9RTD5Fitness Factoids: Volume #47

Melatonin May Lower Prostate Cancer Risk

Melatonin is a vital hormone that plays a critical role in helping to regulate the body’s sleep-wake cycles, also known as circadian rhythms. According to new research conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health’s Department of Epidemiology, men with low melatonin levels may be at an increased risk for developing advanced stage prostate cancer. The study tracked 928 participants from 2002-2006. 


Fitness Factoids: Volume 46

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Gluten Free Diet May Help Protect Bones

The list of health problems and ailments associated with gluten is astounding. The most common disease associated with gluten consumption is celiac disease, an autoimmune disease caused by gluten that leads to atrophy of the villi in the small intestine. A new study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology has found that patients who suffer from celiac disease that eliminate gluten from their diets have a reduced risk for suffering bone fractures.


Fitness Factoids: Volume 45

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Diet Can Alter Gut Bacteria Faster Than Previously Thought

The composition of our gut bacteria has become a major topic of interest in the scientific community as of late. Although research into the effect of the microbiome on our digestive and overall health is still in its infancy, scientists are beginning to understand the role that having a healthy gut can play in our everyday lives. According to new research published in the journal Nature the adaptive ability of the gut to adjust to dietary changes occurs must faster than previously thought.


Fitness Factoids: Volume 44

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High Maternal Vitamin D Levels Boost Strength in Babies

The popularity of vitamin D supplementation has exploded in recent years due to the seemingly endless array of benefits that have become associated with it. According to new research published in the journal Endocrine Research children of mothers with high vitamin D levels during pregnancy have been linked to having better muscular development.



Fitness Factoids: Volume 43

fotolia cinnamonFitness Factoids: Volume 43


Cinnamon May Be Able To Lower Blood Sugar

To date over 25 million American have been diagnosed with diabetes, and it’s suspected that upwards of 80 million more Americans are pre-diabetic. As general has precipitously declined, and waistlines dramatically expanded, people have been searching for new ways to help control excessive blood sugars. According to new research published in the Journal of Medicinal Food adding a daily dose of cinnamon to your diet may be an effective tool to help combat elevated blood sugar.


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