

Rx Girl Articles

Digestion & Absorption Part 1: Protein

Deciding-Which-Whey-Protein-Is-BestProtein, a macronutrient, is not a favorable source of energy for the body during exercise.  While protein, fat and carbohydrates can all be used as sources of energy for the body, it is never a single macronutrient contributing one-hundred percent of the energy; but rather a percentage of each are being used all of the time and these percentages change according to activity type, intensity and even duration.

 The range of total energy expenditure contribution of protein during exercise is about 5% (strenuous weight training) or up to 15% (during prolonged endurance exercise).  Increased breakdown of protein during exercise is observed usually only when muscle glycogen has been depleted by 33-55%.  The purpose of this article will be to discuss the actual breakdown and digestion of protein for absorption and come to some conclusions about the consumption of proteins and different types of amino acids in the bodybuilding community.


IFBB Women's Physique Pro Eva Pogačnik interviews, IFBB Female Bodybuilder Pro Brigita Brezovac!

038IFBB Women's Physique Pro Eva Pogačnik interviews, IFBB Female Bodybuilder Pro Brigita Brezovac!

I remember it as if it were yesterday. In 2001 I went to Koper to see my first fitness and bodybuilding competition. There was Brigita Brezovac, competing in the fitness category. Her performance was impressive and I knew she had a big career ahead of her.  


Valentine’s Day Couple's Workout

Valentines's DayValentine’s Day Couple's Workout


Happy February RxGirls!

As you're all aware (or may choose to ignore), February hosts the all-important holiday of Valentine’s Day. Now for the average couple it's all about dinner, a card, flowers and candy (not necessarily all 4!), but that's for the average couple... not you! Oh no, you'll be hitting the gym just as hard as you always do, especially if your Friday is Leg Day! Whether or not you’re in a relationship or single, the following is a fun couple’s workout (you can also get your girls to join you and make it a party)!


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