

Rx Girl Articles

5 Things NOT to Do When Networking Yourself on Social Media

th (1)5 Things NOT to Do When Networking Yourself on Social Media


So you want to get your name out and get noticed in the industry?  You want to become a pro, or already are one and want to get more publicity. Before starting, here are a few things to think about… NOT DOING!



StairMaster vs. Treadmill

stairmasterStairMaster vs. Treadmill 


So, we can all attest to the fact that just about any amount of activity done on the StairMaster (rolling stairs) is substantially more difficult than that of any activity done on the treadmill (even sprints in some cases).  While intensities could be simulated from one to the other we are not concerned with this aspect of the comparison.  For the purpose of this article we want to look at how the treadmill and StairMaster differ in terms of the energy requirements needed to use them.  This will be relevant and applicable to any weight loss program.


How to Take Care of Your Body After the Stage

photo 5How to Take Care of Your Body After the Stage

Honestly, it all starts with your improvement season or (off season) followed by a healthy prep. Taking care of your body after the stage is actually just as important as taking care of your body during your prep. This is one thing many people don’t realize.  There are many factors that come into play to avoid things like a horrible rebound, damage to your body, or metabolic problems.



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