

Rx Girl Articles

Garcinia Cambogia: What is it and how does it work?

3f49c0243174e893391cd173e81f4277Garcinia Cambogia: What is it and how does it work?


As of late, lots of buzz has come out about the acclaimed newest and fastest fat buster, Garcinia Cambogia. But is it all it’s cracked up to be?  What does research really say about this fruit and how it can help with your fitness and fat loss efforts?  Let’s find out.


Health-Related Disorders and the Female Athlete: Part II: Problems Caused by Extreme Exercise and Dieting

Female Athlete Triad2Health-Related Disorders and the Female Athlete:  Part II: Problems Caused by Extreme Exercise and Dieting

Exercise and sports participation are a part of a balanced, healthy lifestyle and therefore should be promoted in women of all ages due to the health benefits and enjoyment. However, for some women, not balancing the needs of their bodies and their sports can have major consequences. That is why special medical concerns should be considered when training or caring for female athletes. 


Life is a Stage for Oksana Grishina: An Exclusive Interview

JB5 3292 UYYZHTKSRILife is a Stage for Oksana Grishina: An Exclusive Interview


Oksana Grishina is one of the most hard-working and electrifying fitness athletes competing today. She is known for her one-of-a-kind routines that blend character work and showmanship with the traditional fitness flair. Her unique process starts with designing all aspects of her routine, from theme and costumes to choreography, to create a unique performance unto itself. 


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