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What Grinds Grechy's Gears (People that complain about contest prep)


Mark Grech What grinds grechys gears contest prep complainYou know what really Grinds my Gears people that complain about contest prep.

So you’ve been dieting for over 16 weeks, eating the same tasteless meals day by day, dreaming about all the food out there you would normally be eating if it weren’t for this damn contest prep. On your way to work you drive past what seems like hundreds of billboards advertising that new burger at McDonald’s. Or the new flavored Maxibon you could at any other time pick up from the service station on the way home from work. The second you get home after a long day at work, you sit on the couch, switch on the TV, and the first thing that pops up on screen is an ad for KFC. You switch the channel and yep, it’s a cooking show. Feels like the whole world is against you. All you do now is dream of food. You see it everywhere. You stare at people eating at restaurants thinking, “ you fat fuck, I deserve that more than you do you unhealthy piece of shit!” You go to a family BBQ and death-stare every individual within a 20-meter radius of you because they have the nerve to actually eat all of this amazing food in your presence. No one tries to understand or even give a fuck about what you’re going through. You’re all alone in this small black hole of a world counting down the days before you are finally released into the real world where a mountain of chocolate and ice-cream awaits you! Anyone who has competed knows what I’m talking about, but here is the sad reality in a nutshell – harden the fuck up, because NO ONE IS MAKING YOU DO THIS!

ComplainPrepping to compete in either a bodybuilding or figure competition is entirely your choice and no-one else’s. No one has held a gun to your head and demanded that you compete in any upcoming shows. It’s a choice you have made with what was hopefully the well wishes of your family and close friends. Sure you get the occasional dickhead that tries to make things a little bit harder by pretending to have an orgasm while they bite into a nice juicy burger in front of you, but that’s the type of shit you have to expect when putting yourself in this predicament.

Along with prep being ultimately your choice, you also have to also remember that you are by far not the first, or the only person going through the sacrifice you are experiencing at this present moment. Everyone goes through the same heartache and pain you are experiencing, even if you are feeling all alone in the world as if you were locked behind bars in a prison that on serves chicken and broccoli to it’s inmates.

Here are a couple of other tips that will help you along the way…

bodybuilder food eating craig richardsonThat secret stash of chocolate you have hidden in the fridge that you add too day by day with plans of eating as soon as you get off stage – get rid of it, because the only thing your going to be wanting the day od the show is a bottle of water or a pepsi max

And that recipe book who have been constructing for the past 10 weeks or so containing endless amounts of savory meals and delicious treats that you plan to cook on a daily basis after your show – forget about it, because I guarantee that recipe book will not be looked at ever again.

So anyways, next time you think about complaining about your prep, whinging to someone about how hard your life is and acting like a prick to everyone around you because they just don’t understand… take a second to think, wake up to yourself and remember that you chose to put yourself through this, and at the majority of the time, the shitter you feel, the better you’re going to look on stage.


Peace out.


Mark Grech
What Grinds Grechys Gears Rx Muscle Australia

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