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Pedro Relvas interview - Against all odds...


Pedro Relvas interview

Pedro Relvas is one of a kind, he's faced hardships and has come out the other side being not only successful off stage, but launching his own clothing line. We sat down and talked to Pedro about his challenges, competitions, his new brand, & much more!


Rx: Today I'm speaking with someone I'd consider one of the most inspirational people in Australian bodybuilding Pedro Relvas, Pedro I first saw you on stage about 1 1/2 years ago where you had outstanding condition, we noticed from the from row that you had some sort if stint on your upper abdominals, give us a quick summary of why you need that and how that came about?

PR: Well that's a PEG tube. After surgery to remove a brain tumor I was left without any swallowing ability and that's how I feed myself with a tube that connects to that stint. So all my meals are blended and 'punched' through it. Makes a cool party trick haha


PedroRx: It's an amazing story and when we heard it at the NABBA International in 2012 we were blown away that you not only got on stage, but you absolutely nailed it, now you competed this year and made some really good improvements, what shows did you do, and how did you place?

PR: Thanks man, yeah we did a few things different this time round. Well I did the IFBB shows this year and I won the Open u80kg category at States and took second place at Nationals to a very deserving and incredible Tony (Peymon) Saadati in the u75kg. I think the man could've won it wearing a tee shirt he looked that good.


1450151 10151733821716721 1289259287 nRx: You certainly picked a tough year to do that class! From this point what's your plan of attack as far as competing goes?

PR: Well I've been lucky enough to be invited to compete at the Arnolds so who would pass that up   so I've kept a very strict rebound since Nationals and my Crew lead by IFBB Pro Anne-Marie Lasserre has drawn up a plan where I hopefully will do fitx and Australasias too. So I've got the likes of Matt Stevenson, Logan Robson and Luke Holiday-Smith working me every week to make small improvements and nail my condition but a bit fuller. After that I'm going for an 18 month break. Seems my legs aren't getting the memo they need to grow. I'm going to present the best package I can at the Arnolds and then as you know, Fitx and Australasias again is a whole other ball game... tough as!


1454597 10151733821851721 1130239107 nRx: Great to hear we'll be seeing you on stage again soon! You've carried your success from the stage and are putting a lot of effort into your new clothing line and website, tell us a bit about Lift to Live.

PR: Well the concept started when my wife and I were discussing the stereotypes created by the general public about what we do as bodybuilders or Lifters. Our aim is to change that. To share with people how we learn more about ourselves through lifting and challenge our bodies, minds and even self-belief. If you squat you know what I'm talking about lol. I'm healthier, stronger and smarter thanks to lifting. And the same love and discipline and drive I've learnt from lifting I apply to my job and family and life in general. My partners have the same belief and even though we have our own clothing line our store will stock anything and everything that promotes lifting, love and life, from X2X clothing to nutrtional products and fitness accessories. We have many contributors to our site, athletes that promote the products they endorse and what the they have learnt. Anything from nutrition, training, lifstyles and motivation in and outside the gym.

But our LTL line is comfortable, practical, inspirational and UNIQUE. I suppose what we looking at doing is sharing as much knowledge as we can even though it can often be conflicting... everything has its place, and if we humble enough we always have something to learn even if we don't think it applies to us it could apply to someone else.


1475825 10151733821481721 1109196843 nRx: I love that your lift to live brand is made on more than a money making/business concept, but is made more on passion. You have obviously faced challenges yourself that many would not be able to cope with, what advise do you give anyone in a tough situation or anyone who is just lacking motivation?

PR: Tough situations are all so different. If I take a breath and look around I see so many inspirational stories and feel instantly hopeful. So for myself I make sure that I do I what I love..... hate paying your mortgage? Don't buy a house just because it's the mature thing to do.

Then I remind myself that I am responsible for the actions I bring out in others and life; and that I am accountable for my reactions to others and life. We have the choice to stay in a tough situation or to get out of it. General motivation well here's a quick story . Me ' Arrrrrrrr Don't feel like going to train;' My son ' So why you going' "Because I hate excuses more than I don't feel like going to training." Find what you love and the rest will take care of itself.


Rx: Great words Pedro! Is there anyone out there you want to thank? Also give us the URL for Lift to Live.

PR: My 2 business partners Matt Stevenson and Lee Hanrahan and our loyal customers as well as everyone I've every learnt something from even if they didn't realise they were teaching it lol. Our url is lift-to-live.com and you can find us on FB as well as instagram @lift2live. And it goes without saying... Thank you and the team at rx Australia for leading the way.


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