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Calum Von Moger is quickly rising in popularity, and he has some big plans to take on the U.S. and get his name out there. We caught up with Calum earlier this week to get all the info and check in with his future plans in and outside bodybuilding.
Rx: Callum, you're one of the guys that stood out at the Southern Hemisphere Championships. At that point we mentioned you had a very marketable look. It appears you're taking advantage of this and now capitalizing on this, what do you have planned?
CVM: Yes, I realised that I have a big opportunity now to make the most of what I've been given. So the plans are to pursue a career in acting in film or tv and continue to do bodybuilding and compete where I can.
Rx: You're off to America in just 9 days to set out on your goals. What do you have planned in the states?
CVM: So far all I know is ill be going to NY for meetings with some supplement companies, RX muscle, and some photo shoots if there's time. Then to Miami to shoot with renown physique and bodybuilder photographers' Ulrich Oleman and Luis Rafael. Then to LA for maybe a shoot with ironman, and some casting Calls too? My itinerary is still a bit smokey.
Rx: Your YouTube video that you recorded for SimplyShreddedTV now has over 600,000 hits on YouTube and I understand the most important hit is that of the man himself Arnold Schwarzenegger? Did you hear any reaction of what Arnold thought? Also what has the response been like from this video from the general public?
CVM: That's right, SimplyShredded organized to get he video sent to Arnold for his viewing. It took a while but it got there eventually. The feedback was he liked it. Also that If they ever have a part for a young Arnold in a flick that they would love to get me in for an audition.
Rx: Wow that's amazing! I imagine something like that would be a dream role for you. Is Arnold someone you look up to or aspire to be like?
CVM: Yes, something like that would be incredible for me. Like a dream come real. Arnold has always been the first guy I look up to for inspiration in bodybuilding and movies. However I don't want to walk in his footsteps exactly. I still want to carve my own path and be myself, not try to be him. But obviously I have some looks that resemble him so there would be a lot of similar roles I could follow from his example.
Rx: As far as bodybuilding goes you said you'd still like to compete, do you have any plans of shows you want to do? Also if you were to hit the big time, would you consider doing a bodybuilding show? Which would obviously attract massive attention to bodybuilding.
CVM: I told myself that I would do the NABBA shows here and the WFF universe again next year because I wasn't satisfied with my results. Yes I would definitely consider doing shows-even if I hit it big!
Rx: Great to hear mate! Thanks for talking to us today. If anyone has an opportunities for you or wants to get in contact, how do they do that?
CVM: Your welcome, my pleasure. If anyone likes to get in contact they can email me at: [email protected] Or direct to Facebook, that's always effective. Thanks for your time, I'm sure we'll catch up again soon!
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