


Physique Star Radio!


Host Ian Lauer welcomes on IFBB Pro Sadik Hadzovic, fresh off of his win at the 2012 IFBB Valenti Gold Cup in the Men's Physique Division!




Tad The Diet Coach reveals even more secrets into dieting for a contest and shares tips on how you can bring in a better physique!  Don't miss out on his highly informative interview!




Physique Star Radio!


Host Ian Lauer brings IFBB Pro William "The Breadman" Sullivan, along with the Class A Winner from the 2012 IFBB North American Championships and New IFBB Pro: David Gonzalez!


Plus, tune in for all of the latest contest results, news and updates from the world of NPC and IFBB Men's Physique Competitions!




Physique Star Radio!


Host Ian Lauer brings on Tad The Diet Coach to reveal some dieting secrets of Men's Physique Competitors! 


Carbs, Fat, Protein, Salt, Water, Posing, Drying Up, Filling Out: Don't miss this informative show!




Physique Star Radio!


Host Ian Lauer brings on IFBB Pro Matt Christianer, Fitness Icon Clark Bartram and Tad The Diet Coach!


Get the latest industry insights on posing, training, modeling, stage presence, networking, diet, recovery, dialing it in for a show: Don't miss out as Ian Lauer explores this and more on Physique Star Radio!




Physique Star Radio!


Host Ian Lauer brings on three IFBB Men's Physique Pros: Trevor Larson, Bobby Ashhurst and Steve Mousharbash!

Industry insights, posing, training, modeling, stage presence, networking: Ian covers all aspects of building your Men's Physique career!  Don't miss out!




Physique Star Radio!


IFBB Pro Trent Calavan was the Overall Winner in Men's Physique at the 2012 NPC USA Championships, which took place recently in Las Vegas, Nevada! 


Tonight he joins host Ian Lauer to discuss who convinced him to first step on the competitive stage, and shares some insights into his training philosophy and lifestyle!




Physique Star Radio!


IFBB Pro Craig Capurso discusses the training and mindset differences between the Men's Physique Pro competitor and the Bodybuilder.  Plus, how is the look of the Men's Physique category evolving and what is becoming the new standard in the ideal look for the Pro competitor?


IFBB Pro Steve Cook is a former competitive bodybuilder who isn't afraid to admit he misses hitting poses on stage.  What does he think the future of showcasing the Men's Physique body on stage holds and should posing be an option?




Physique Star Radio / Muscle University!


IFBB Pro Kevin Fabian earned his Men's Physique Pro Card at the 2012 NPC Team Universe in Teaneck, NJ just a couple of weeks back.  He joins host Ian Lauer to discuss his victory, training, diet & future plans!


Biomechanics expert Doug Brignole is back by popular demand!  This time he discusses even more about his training philosophies, including rep ranges, specific exercises and how to apply his techniques for more muscle growth in the gym! 


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