

Physique Star Radio / Muscle University!

Max Wettstein has been modeling for over a decade, specilaizing in fitness, physique, action-sports print and infomercials.  He's also an actor, appeared in numerous publications such as Men's Health, Exercise & Health, Men's Fitness and many other popular magazines.  Tonight he joins Physique Star Radio to discuss balancing his career with his family life, and gives some tips on how to promote yourself and become a success in the industry!

Tonight, on the Muscle University segment of Physique Star Radio: Dave Palumbo has Dr. Scott Connelly answer all of the tough questions about Creatine Supplementation!  Don't miss this in depth discussion about which creatine supplements are worth buying, and which are junk!


Physique Star Radio / Muscle University!

Clark Bartram has earned his reputation as "America’s Most Trusted Fitness Professional."  Clark has appeared on the cover of over 100 fitness publications and is considered one of the most successful models in the industry.  He's also inspired millions of viewers as the co-host of Kiana’s Flex Appeal on ESPN, and was also the host of his own fitness show, American Health & Fitness

Tonight Clark joins hosts Ian Lauer and Vince Andrich to discuss the idea of becoming a fitness entrepreneur, and how to be become a successful physique superstar!

Tonight, on the Muscle University segment of Physique Star Radio: Dave Palumbo asks Dr. Scott Connelly to reveal what the most effective training methods are, and how to incorporate them into your weight lifting program. 



Physique Star Radio / Muscle University!


Ian and Vince welcome IFBB Pro Men's Physique Competitor Craig Capurso to the show, to discuss what it takes to make a name for yourself in the industry.  Craig is certainly no stranger to modeling, and offers some intelligent advice on how to maximize your potential for sponsorships and getting yourself seen.


This week on Muscle University with Dave Palumbo and Dr. Scott Connelly:

Dave reads off some of your listener questions, and Dr. Connelly answers the tough questions about Insulin and Post Exercise Nutrition!


Physique Star Radio / Muscle University!

Ian and Vince discuss a controversial statement made by bodybuilding legend Frank Zaneconcerning the new Mens Physique division!  Special guest and IFBB Pro Men's Physique Competitor Bobby Ashhurst gives his reaction, and shares his thoughts on the division.

This week on Muscle University with Dave Palumbo and Dr. Scott Connelly:

Controlling blood sugar: How does the body regulate blood glucose levels?  And how does the new line of Myotropics Physique Nutrition Products fit in?  Don't miss this informative show!



Physique Star Radio / Muscle University!


PHYSIQUE STAR RADIO is a new show hosted by Ian Lauer and Vince Andrich, with a focus on Men's Physique competitions, and all aspects of performance in the gym. 


Dr. Scott Connelly and Dave Palumbo join in the discussion with their weekly segment called, Muscle University Radio, which will get in depth on all aspects of supplementation, biomechanics, nutrition and performance enhancement for the hard training athlete.  This week, Dave and Dr. Connelly discuss the newly discovered fat burning hormone IRISIN!



Muscle College with Dr. Layne Norton & Dr. Jake Wilson!

Hosted by Dr. Layne Norton!


In this episode of muscle college radio, the docs interview Dr. Chris Fahs and Dr. Lindy Rossow.  Not only do they both have their PhDs in exercise science, but they are engaged to each other, both powerlift competitively, and Chris is an IFPA pro bodybuilder.  But more than that, they live the science lifestyle and are the first researchers we know of to publish a case study examining the physiological and psychological responses to bodybuilding contest prep.  They have a paper accepted in the International Journal of Sports Physiological Performance entitled "Natural Bodybuilding Competition Preparation and Recovery: A 12-Month Case Study."  This case study tracked Dr. Fahs' last contest prep from 6 months before the show until 6 months after his show.  The article is accepted for publication but will not be published for almost another year, but the Muscle College Radio listeners get to hear the results FIRST! Do not miss this exclusive interview.  





Muscle College with Dr. Layne Norton & Dr. Jake Wilson!

Hosted by Dr. Layne Norton!


In this episode of Muscle College Radio the docs discuss training to failure.  What are the benefits associated with failure training? What are the downsides? How should it be used in order to optimize your muscle growth and strength outcomes.  They also discuss cluster training and how it may be applicable for your muscle maximizing endeavors.  





Muscle College with Dr. Layne Norton & Dr. Jake Wilson!

Hosted by Dr. Layne Norton!


In this week's episode the docs dive into testosterone.  Specifically the effects of nutrition & supplementation with a their special guest Ben Esgro.  Ben has a BS in Nutrition, a Masters in Sports Nutrition & Exercise Science, is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist with the NSCA and a Registered Dietician.  He is also a competitive natural bodybuilder & powerlifter who owns his own small supplement & contest prep coaching company, DeNovo Nutrition www.denovonutrition.com





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