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From Obesity & Depression To World Class Physique : Monique Cormier : RX Spotlight
From Obesity & Depression To World Class Physique : Monique Cormier : RX Spotlight

Monique Cormier, who has overcome obesity and severe depression en route to becoming a world class amateur bodybuilder, joins Dave  [ ... ]

Went PRO In Figure & Women's Physique in SAME SHOW! Ashley Soden Interview | RX Spotlight
Went PRO In Figure & Women's Physique in SAME SHOW! Ashley Soden Interview | RX Spotlight

Ashley Stoden, who won her IFBB Pro card in Figure AND Women's Physique at the Team Universe, joins Dave Palumbo on an all-new ep [ ... ]



Spotlight On IFBB Figure Competitor: Froso Luca

Spotlight On IFBB Figure Competitor: Froso Luca

Category you comp MG 5439ws (Small)ete in:  Figure aka Body Fitness in Europe
Date of birth: April 5th, 1980
Hometown: Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Career: International Fitness Professional and Nutrition Coach

Competition history: 
IFBB 2013 Arnold Classic Europe:          7th
IFBB 2013 Mr. Cyprus:                            1st
IFBB 2011 27th Mediterranean Cup:      1st
IFBB 2011 Mr. Cyprus:                            1st
IFBB 2010 Mr. Cyprus:                            1st 

Next competition:
IFBB 2014 Grand Prix Cyprus in April and that’s to qualify for the IFBB 2014 European Cup in May and the IFBB 2014 Arnold Classic Europe in October

In your opinion, how important is motivation and confidence when aiming to accomplish a goal?
Accomplishing a goal is a sense of satisfaction for all the hard work you have put in to reach it.  It’s so important to have a massive support team behind you for those times it gets a little rocky.  When times get tough and you feel like giving up, when you have someone there to build up your confidence and to motivate you it’s amazing how you get back up and are ready to rock it again!  Everybody falls off at some point, you just have to get motivated and start again because that’s where it’s about to happen!

In your eyes, what combination of hard work and natural ability is needed to reach the top?
The hardest part is getting up after falling off.  How many times has that happened to me and probably to all the girls I know.  When you have that natural inner strength to keep going, and be able to overcome that feeling of failure, then you have no choice other than reaching the top.  You need a game plan to follow, because without a plan you are succeeding in failing.  With a plan, you are succeeding in achieving.  Consistency, determination and the weights room :)

What are some motivational strategies that have or currently work for you?
I love Facebook and social networking.  I love expressing my fe MG 5492ws (Small)elings when I'm feeling a little whacked and somebody out there that is following me, that I inspire will always throw out a comment to build me up.  I also love writing positive posters and cutting out pictures of athletes that inspire me and having them all over the house.  I watch motivational videos of athletes on YouTube and I always look at my client’s progress pics and feel very motivated that I've helped them reach their goals also.

Give me some examples from your life where confidence has helped you to achieve?
My life has been a rollercoaster.  I've moved back and forth from Australia to Cyprus so many times that I've lost count.  I've started from scratch so many times.  Without having that confidence and that dream of reaching the top I wouldn’t be where I am.  Every time I set a goal, I visualize it happening.  I can see it and then that gives me the confidence to achieve it.  I set the game plan and then its so much easier to follow the road.

What do you find the most challenging about competing?
I am a very self-motivated person. I love training and working out isn’t a problem for me.  I have a set of twin girls who are very active and a partner who is also a competitive bodybuilder so our household is very healthy and supportive for our sport.  The hardest thing for me would be balancing family with competition.  When competition season is around, it’s hard when the girls want to go out, want ice-cream or go out on a holiday.  Nutrition and training is easy for me, as I love this lifestyle but the balance to be a good mum during competition is challenging.

What are your top 5 key strategies for success?
I love SUCCESS!!! :):)
1.  Visualize your goal and understand the obstacles.
2.  Create a positive mental picture and clear your mind of self-doubt.
3.  Embrace the challenge.
4.  Fall off, g MG 5542ws (Small)et back on track and stay on track, REPEAT
5.  Show the world you can do it.

What is your favorite protein powder? Why do you like it?
I love SAN Titanium Isolate Supreme Protein.  Crème Brule is my favorite flavor.  It’s a hydrolyzed whey which means it’s the fasted acting isolate whey.  It has 0 fats, 0 sugars and its lactose free leaving it easy to digest.  Each scoop gives me 27gms of protein.  Can’t get any better than that.

Favorite Inspirational Quote:
After winning my first International show which was the Mediterranean Cup in 2011, I came off the stage with tears because I couldn’t believe I was living this dream and I said:
When they tell you, you can’t and you won’t, let that be the trigger because you can and you will.  You just have to believe it and try. Froso Luca

In closing, who would you like to give a shout out to?
Firstly I want to say thank you to RX Girl for giving me this opportunity for an interview.  Thank you for believing and supporting me and all the athletes in this sport.
Thank you to my family, my partner and friends who support what I love and help me in my life to be able to achieve my dream.
Thank you to my social networking friends that keep motivating me, at the same time I'm motivating you.
Thank you to the companies that help me by sponsoring my supplements, that give me discounts to be able to reach my goal and lastly and most importantly I thank God and thank you for taking the time to read my interview.

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