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From Obesity & Depression To World Class Physique : Monique Cormier : RX Spotlight
From Obesity & Depression To World Class Physique : Monique Cormier : RX Spotlight

Monique Cormier, who has overcome obesity and severe depression en route to becoming a world class amateur bodybuilder, joins Dave  [ ... ]

Went PRO In Figure & Women's Physique in SAME SHOW! Ashley Soden Interview | RX Spotlight
Went PRO In Figure & Women's Physique in SAME SHOW! Ashley Soden Interview | RX Spotlight

Ashley Stoden, who won her IFBB Pro card in Figure AND Women's Physique at the Team Universe, joins Dave Palumbo on an all-new ep [ ... ]



Spotlight On IFBB Bikini Pro: Gigi Amurao

Spotlight On IFBB Bikini Pro: Gigi Amurao

Category you comOLYMPIA 2013pete in: Bikini
Date of birth: April 23        
Hometown: Scarsdale, NY
Career: Advertising, Fitness 

Competition history:
IFBB Professional League:
2013 IFBB Fort Lauderdale Cup – 2nd
2013 OLYMPIA – 12th
2013 IFBB Valenti Cup – 3rd
2013 IFBB Tampa Pro- 5th
2013 IFBB Toronto Pro – 3rd
2013 IFBB New York Pro – 8th
2013 IFBB Pittsburgh Pro- 10th
2013 IFBB Battle on Beach – 4th
2012 IFBB Miami Pro - 7th
2012 IFBB Iowa Pro – 5th
2012 IFBB Pro Fort Lauderdale Cup – 3rd

NPC Division:
2012 North American National Pro-Qualifier- Class B Bikini 1st** EARNED PRO STATUS
2012 NPC USA National Pro-Qualifier-             Class C Bikini 4th
2012 Team Universe National Pro-Qualifier -    Class C Bikini 3rd
2012 Team Universe National Pro-Qualifier -     Class C Bikini 3rd2
2012 NPC Hudson Valley, Tarrytown-               Class A Short 1st & Overall Winner
2012 NPC Long Island, Paul Neville -               Class A Short 1st & Overall Winner
2012 Atlantic States Championship, -                 Class C Bikini 8th

Next competition:
Hmm Daytona battle on the Beach would be my first scheduled pro show, but hopefully it would be an honor if I received the Arnold Invite. 

In your opinion, how important is motivation and confidence when aimiTampa MDng to accomplish a goal?
Very important, it’s a combination of motivation, confidence and consistency, be it physically and mentally. Once you set a goal you have to commit yourself until you achieve it. In fitness competing is kinda a solo sport so you have to be able to motivate your mind and keep pushing yourself. Having confidence in your ability to push through and you really have to be able to train your mind not to let any negative influences come into play. As a competitor we all go through highs and lows and moments of insecurities…. You have to just let it all go. Consistency is also huge. Day in and day out you have to keep at it… perfecting whatever you need to get one step closer to your goals. If you have these qualities then I don’t see how you can’t accomplish anything!!

In your eyes, what combination of hard work and natural ability is needed to reach the top?
To reach the end result there will always be some sort of hard work. Talent…you can be talented and still not have the mindset or characteristic traits to succeed. I think physical and mental hard work is what you need to reach the top along with a great support system behind you. In addition, you gotta love what it is you’re doing to get there. You have to be emotionally invested in your goal in that if you don’t reach it will eat you up inside.

What are some motivational strategies that have or currently work for you?
I think what motivates me the most are the people that tell me that it’s because of what I do or what I have accomplished that they never quit and kept pushing themselves to be better. Inspiring someone and changing their life whether it be physical or mental makes me work harder…. And of course a little competition doesn’t hurt. Having played sports all through life.. I was always somewhat competitive with myself as well as others. We all want to win right lol!!!

Give me some examples from your life where confidence has helped you to achieve?
Being confident and or having confidence definitely have helped me in every way. IMO Self-confidence is about balance.
If you are under-confident, you’ll avoid taking risks and stretching yourself; or you may not even try at all. If you’re over-confident, you may take on too much of a risk, and stretch yourself beyond your capabilities, and end up failing, or you can be so optimistic that you don’t try hard enough to truly succeed.

Confidence in my opinion has helped me push forward in my fitness career and to be able to stay consistent and positive through all the negativity around me. It has helped me attain two degrees and an MBA and complete my education and most importantly is has helped me with my personal life. I don’t need the comfort of anyone or anything because I know I will always figure it out. Confidence has made me conscious of my natural abilities and with every good thing that happens I become surer of myself and my personal growth.

What do you find the most chaLHGFX LOW Rez Web-GigiA- PURPLEllenging about competing?
OK that’s easy… DIET lol!! For sure it’s rough sometimes not to indulge in your favorite sweets or meals. You’re brain goes crazy if you can’t have it. That’s where mental toughness comes into play. I’ll be honest I have... Actually I’m sure many people have fallen off at one point or another. So as I see it, if and when it happens just get right back in the game!!!

What are your top 5 key strategies for success?
Many people spend their whole lives searching for a blueprint that will help them achieve success. But really there is no magic plan. My 5 strategies that I feel have improved my happiness, and have helped me are: 

1. Finding A Reason-If you have a big enough reason to do something then you can do anything. You will do whatever it takes to master your subject area. You’ll work all the hours, you’ll sacrifice a lot just to reach your goal even if you’re holding down 2 or 3 jobs. But most importantly you’ll stick with a project long enough to see it through long after the honeymoon period has gone

2. Work on yourself- you attract success by becoming a bigger, better version of yourself. I realize that my greatest pleasure comes from the journey that leads me to my destination and being able to overcome numerous setbacks and failures along the way. In this process, I have developed new skills; I learned a lot about the fitness industry, I get the ins and outs of making it, and I became regimented and have perfected my time management and discovered how to work effectively with other people. Working daily on myself has helped me manage my emotions, strengthens my commitments, and makes me  more disciplined and eventually get me from where I am now to where I want to be!!

3. Take Responsibility- Wherever I am today is a result of the decisions I have made in the past. Maybe some of those choices worked out for me whilst others didn’t. Whatever the case may be, I let the past go and stop beating myself up about it. Take responsibility, learn from it... then move on and focus on the big picture and let that motivate and inspire me.

4. Overcome Procrastination- procrastination masks self-doubt and afflicts most of us at one time or another. Most people procrastinate about doing something because they fear failure. Whatever it is that you need to do, to accomplish your goals…. Then do it!!!

5. Discover Your Passion-Opportunities often start as a passion. The secret is to find something that you are interested in and that gets your juices flowing
If you can’t find what you’re passionate about, then look at what you are currently doing in your life that you enjoy. How could you take your knowledge, expertise, life experiences, talents and interests and package them into something that is marketable and that can make you happy and successful.

Overall, as I see it success in life is about much more than just making money. It is about being a complete person and going forward with a purpose and passion.

What is your favorite protein powder? Why do you like it?
That’s easy, Metabolic Nutrition’s Peanut butter Protizyme… its low carb, low fat, low glycemic, reduced calorie, gluten free , vegan free and its pharmaceutical grade and people who are diabetic,  or post surgical  patients can use their proteins. … In addition all their flavors taste freakin fantastic!!

Favorite Inspirational Quote:
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.
- Mark Twain

In closing, who would you like to give a shout out to?
My coaches at Team Bombshell Fitness and all my teammates have had an incredible impact on pushing me and motivating me. Shannon Dey has been awesome and has helped changed my body since I have been with the team…. And of course my sponsor Metabolic Nutrition has also been by my side this past year. They have been such a huge support for me mentally and physically as I use all their products daily during my prep. 

My awesome and talented suit designer Cynthia James of CJ Elite Swimwear has also been good to me. I mean, her suits has helped me place in each of my shows and any suit she makes is custom and original so I can rest assured that I am presenting an original and unique package on stage.

Last but not least are my Team Pro Tan Family, Doug, Monty, Carla and Caroline, without them I would look like a ghost on stage ha-ha!! But seriously, your tan and how it looks on stage :)… I couldn’t have done any of this without their help, their words of encouragement or even just the good times we have backstage and after the show

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