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From Obesity & Depression To World Class Physique : Monique Cormier : RX Spotlight
From Obesity & Depression To World Class Physique : Monique Cormier : RX Spotlight

Monique Cormier, who has overcome obesity and severe depression en route to becoming a world class amateur bodybuilder, joins Dave  [ ... ]

Went PRO In Figure & Women's Physique in SAME SHOW! Ashley Soden Interview | RX Spotlight
Went PRO In Figure & Women's Physique in SAME SHOW! Ashley Soden Interview | RX Spotlight

Ashley Stoden, who won her IFBB Pro card in Figure AND Women's Physique at the Team Universe, joins Dave Palumbo on an all-new ep [ ... ]



Spotlight On IFBB Bikini Pro: Rachelle Dejean

Spotlight On IFBB Bikini Pro: Rachelle Dejean
Category you compete in: Bikini
Date of birth: 11/15/1990
Hometown: NapervillIMG 0210 smalle, IL
Career: Marketing and Graphic Design specialist, Freelance graphic designer
If you could change into a superhero for a day who would you be and why?
I would be a superhero that can transport! That’s not a specific superhero though.....so I hopped on Google real quick and took a “SUPERHERO QUIZ”!!!! I got Flash. That actually sounds pretty accurate! No more long drives traveling to competitions or family vacations :-P 
What made you begin dedicating your lifestyle to this sport?
Just over a year ago, I started paying attention to fitness models like Amanda Adams and Jamie Eason. A friend even mentioned that I might do well in bikini competitions. Well, going into my senior season as a Division I NCAA Volleyball player in August 2012, I knew that I wanted to stay active and motivated when I graduated this May. So I started a blog: successismyjourney.blogspot.com. By the time winter came, I had experience successes—coming back from a 5 point deficit to beat a higher ranked team in our conference, having my teammates look to me to get that momentum changing dig in the 5th and final set, overcoming serious pressure with confidence and a calmness to put up a fight against a nationally ranked team. I’ve also experienced serious defeats—winning the first 2 games of a 5 set match, but losing the last three no matter what game tactic my teammates and I tried to respond with. I actually ended up breaking and setting a career Dig record before the season ended, too. I knew that I didn’t want this competitive atmosphere and passion to improve to end. 
I wanted to challenge myself in a new way: my DIET. I know that body builders have a strict meal plan to follow and although I knew a bit about nutrition from my strength and conditioning coaches, this would be something new for me! I kept lifting hard (something that I’ve been used to from years of working to stay strong as a volleyball player), and began my diet plan mid March 2012. I had my eyes set on a competition a week after graduation (Kevin Noble’s Grand prix May 19, 2012), and didn’t look back! 
What approach do you take to dieting...carb cycle..keto?
The plan I follow tapers my carbs from the start of the day from high to low glycemic carbs.. I’m still learning about nutrition and am doing my best to be a sponge and learn WHY/what/how much when I talk with my trainer about it! I also try to keep it interesting by exploring my options and trying to develop new recipes! I had no business in the kitchen before :-P, and now that I am almost forced to stay prepared..I started writing recipes down and coming up with new ones to challenge myself. I am becoming quite the top chef! I devoted a Facebook pagIMG 0689 smalle to sharing these recipes which use only the things in my meal plan. I want to show others how simple clean eating can be (and tasty) if you just take the time to prepare!


What do you think is the biggest misconception people have about competing?
I’ve always been “that girl” that was jacked, and people noticed how muscular I was (Did I mention there’s two of me...I have an identical twin sister!). I never really got the chance to accept this about myself until my senior year! So, I was actually one of those people that had a HUGE misconception about bodybuilding...my first athletic trainer (a former body builder) when I was a freshman said that I should try it—my first response was NO WAY! But when I started learning about the fitness industry last year, I learned that there is more to competing than just one division! Before that, I was similar to everyone else, who thinks of the image of a stereotypical body builder. A lot of people do not understand the commitment, sacrifice, and discipline that goes into this sport...as a collegiate athlete, I understand and can relate, but having the chance to be a part of both, I see that the commitment level is WAY deeper and I am SO glad to be a part of that. 
What is your most embarrassing childhood memory?
In pre-school too many kids were using the bathroom pass, and our teacher didn’t like that! She decided to punish us by taking it away! Of course, by that point I really had to pee! Long story short, I ended up having an accident while playing with a triangle puzzle! They gave me clothes to wear but they were baggy and so loose fitting. As if going tinkle in front of my peers, and wearing an ugly purple sweatpants and sweater wasn’t enough--during recess I bent down to tie my shoe and accidentally de-pantsed myself! I have reflexes like a cat though (sometimes), and I don’t think anyone noticed! Talk about a mortified pre-schooler!
What is the biggest lesson you have learned about YOURSELF during your contest prep?
There are a lot of times that you have to make choices to stay in on a weekend, or challenge yourself to stay on track even though others around you aren’t. I had to do this at a big group family vacation, and was embarrassed at first to go out to eat with everyone until I just mustered up the confidence to ask for a plate, order clean asparagus and join everyone with my pre-cooked chickenJ. Since then I’ve had no trouble confidently sharing meals with my family or friends at public restaurants! 
I have also learned that I can say NO to little treats. Many times in the office my co-workers have come prepared to celebrate someone’s birthday with cupcakes, or bakery cookies..and now I don’t want those things anymore (well..I want them, hehe, but have the will power to say no!).
Who do you look up and admire and why?
Andreia Brazier! I’ve always wanted to be a Victoria Secret Angel (who doesn’t?!?), but when I saw her for the first time I realized that her look in those black wings and shredded stomach was wayy hotter than any of the Angels in the VS fashion show. She is PERFECT! I also love following IFBB Pros through their Facebook fan pages, and other fitness models like Amanda AdamDSC 2372 JMCATNJJIKs. I would LOVE to be in publications as a fitness model. Amanda is about my height, yet she’s modeling. That’s so inspiring for a short girl like me:)
I admire everyone in body building! All of these competitors work SO HARD to improve their physiques—in the kitchen, at the gym, and with the choices they make. I was always looking to put in more work while I was at school—extra reps, going on extra runs, and doing more things to stay in shape..So I love that this atmosphere keeps me honest! 
Competition history:
May 19, 2012- Kevin Noble’s NPC Grand Prix-- 4th place Bikini Short, Nationally qualified 
July 7 2012- Tim Gardner’s NPC Extravaganza Amateur – 1st place bikini short, overall winner, Nationally qualified
August 31, 2012- Gary Udit IFBB North Americans – 1st place bikini A and earned pro card 
Next competition:
Still trying to decide my Pro Debut!!! I am thinking something early next year
Favorite Motivational Quote: 
"You must have long term goals to keep you from being frustrated by short term failures." Charles C. Noble
Who would you like to thank?
My whole family for supporting me no matter what sport of activity I have been a part of! My parents traveled to see my twin sister and I compete in volleyball matches in high school and college, even the long hauls (like Illinois to Wichita!). My sisters (Fabienne, 24, and Genevieve, 21) for putting up with me when I am moody from exhaustion, or don’t have much time to chat during the weekdays because all I do is sleep, work a full day and then go to the gym, eat and sleep. 
My trainer Steve Moriarty who has helped me with both my work outs and competition diet! I always wonder what’s going on up there in his head; there’s so many terms that I don’t understand yet but I am so thankful to have him as a mentor! My friends for believing in me, you all know who you are! 
My team “Flex ‘Till You’re Famous” Apparel (https://www.facebook.com/FlexTillYoureFamous)- Codee and Chris for accepting me on their team just a month ago, and helping me to gain the confidence that transpires from healthier meal choices and pushing myself to work harder! They are still a fairly new company, but I’m so glad to be a part of their journey since I am a newbie in mine!  
Since I started competing I have had a lot of friends and acquaintance ask me about tips or help to improve their health or fitness. I’d like to thank all of YOU! Helping you keeps me inspired, keeps me on my toes..and also keeps me honest to work hard and always improve. 
People can connect with me on twitter: “rachelle411” or instagram: “Rachelle_babyy”

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