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From Obesity & Depression To World Class Physique : Monique Cormier : RX Spotlight
From Obesity & Depression To World Class Physique : Monique Cormier : RX Spotlight

Monique Cormier, who has overcome obesity and severe depression en route to becoming a world class amateur bodybuilder, joins Dave  [ ... ]

Went PRO In Figure & Women's Physique in SAME SHOW! Ashley Soden Interview | RX Spotlight
Went PRO In Figure & Women's Physique in SAME SHOW! Ashley Soden Interview | RX Spotlight

Ashley Stoden, who won her IFBB Pro card in Figure AND Women's Physique at the Team Universe, joins Dave Palumbo on an all-new ep [ ... ]



Spotlight On IFBB Figure Pro: Sarah Venturini

Spotlight On IFBB Figure Pro: Sarah Venturini   


Category you compete in: Figure Class BDSC 2263 CJERJPRBDO
Date of birth: 12/20/1985
Hometown: Grand Rapids, MI (currently residing in Jacksonville, FL)
Career: Personal Trainer/Fitness Coach (NSCA-CSCS, ACE-PT, B.S. Exercise Science)

Competition history:
-2012 NPC Jr. National's Figure Class B 1st Place (Earned IFBB Pro Card)
-2012 NPC Jr. USA's Figure Class B 2nd place
-2011 NPC Nationals Figure Class B
-2011 NPC Jr. USA's Figure Class B 3rd place
-2011 Panhandle Showdown Figure Novice, Open and Overall 1st place
-2010 INBA Mississippi Coast Bodybuilding and Figure Championships, 1st place Overall Miss Physique

Next competition: Currently deciding

How has your life changed since you adopted this lifestyle and started competing?
Embracing the fitness lifestyle and competing has enhanced and changed my life in so many unexpected ways.  My first competition was just an “experiment.” I wanted to see how far I could take my body and my goals.  I had no idea that I would eventually adopt it as a lifestyle and continue to compete up to the pro level!  I did not expect competing to teach me a completely new level of discipline and work ethic.  I did not expect to achieve a new level of healthy confidence in who I am and who God has designed me to be.  I did not expect it to challenge me to re-shape my thinking on spiritual matters, such as putting God inside a box (thinking “He could never use this (competing) for His purposes”).  I certainly did not expect it to bring an immense amount of growth in my dedication, persistence, and view of a healthy body-image.  Competing has completely turned my thinking, my actions, and my world upside-down and has forced me out of my comfort zone… and I embrace and love every minute of it – the challenges as well as the victories.  It has produced positive changes, a higher level of understanding, and a new vision and outlook for my entire life.  Competing and living the fitness lifestyle has become a driving purpose in my life, and Christ is at the center of it all.

What have you found to be the best way to balance family, frienDSC 2274 HXOVFIPFFXds, career, this lifestyle, etc…
I will admit, I have not perfected this area yet.  I feel that this is one of the most difficult things to master for anyone, and especially for those who are very fitness-driven or those who compete.  It’s so easy for this lifestyle (especially during competition prep) to take priority over everything else.  It’s important to stay grounded, and remember what REALLY matters in life: relationships.  If my relationships are suffering because of my fitness endeavors, I know things are not balanced in my life.  Faith is a very important part of my life, and I find that when Christ is at the center of my life – when I put Him first – everything else falls into place and my life is much more balanced in EVERY area (Matthew 6:33).  I am a work in progress and am learning to grow more in this area as every day brings new challenges in balancing life.
If you could change places with one competitor for the day who would it be and why?
Erin Stern.  I admire her hybrid-athletic style of training, and she always seems like she is having so much FUN.  I would love to just be able to experience a day in the life of an Olympian!

Name two of the most inspirational people in your life and tell why they inspire you.
My friend and mentor, Mary Robertson.  She may not even know it, but I look up to her on so many levels.  She is one incredible woman whom I hope to be at least a little bit like one day.  She has such an incredible wisdom about her and has spoken hard truth into my life so many times in such a compassionate and gentle way.  She has given me the most sound and wise advice over the past 4 years, and always knows what to say at just the right time.  She is always encouraging, supportive, insightful, and passionate.  She has helped to teach me how to balance and face the challenges of life.

Second would be one of my very best friends, Candace Smith.  Candace also competes in figure and has helped me tremendously throughout my training.  However, the reason why she inspires me is because of her dedication, passion, and drive for our sport.  I have not met many people that are as passionate as she is about competing, and she lives the fit and balanced lifestyle better than anyone else I know.  She has such a healthy view of long-term goals and achievements, and lives each day to the fullest.  She is constantly challenging herself in the gym, in her knowledge of fitness and nutrition, and keeps her eating so clean year-round.  She spreads the joy of fitness to everyone she encounters and is always finding ways to better herself.  

Tell one recipe or supplement you can’t live without.
Clean protein peanut butter cups!  Perfect for a night-time snack.  
-1 scoop chocolate protein powder
-½ tablespoon dark chocolate cocoa powder
-Truvia/Stevia to taste
-1-2 tablespoons natural peanut butter

*Mix protein powder, cocoa powder, truvia/stevia together.  Add just enouDSC 7338 ZZTDZBMLPLgh water to make into a thick “paste”.  Spread ½ of mixture at bottom of small container and freeze 20 min.  Layer with peanut butter followed by the rest of the protein powder mixture.  Freeze for another 30 minutes.  Eat and enjoy!

Tell about a typical training day for you.  What exercises, how many sets/reps…etc…
I like to switch up my routine every 3-4 weeks for variety.  A typical day would involve a large muscle group mixed with a smaller muscle group.  Along with traditional strength-training movements, I enjoy Olympic lifts as well as dynamic, athletic movements, and plyometrics.  Most exercises will include 3-4 sets in the 6-12 rep range, depending on my current desired goal (building, strength, conditioning, etc).

In closing, Who would you like to give a shout out to?
First, my husband, Aaron!  He is my number one supporter and biggest fan.  I can honestly say I would NOT be competing without his constant encouragement, support, and steadfast love (even when I am tired and grumpy!).  He is an amazing blessing and gift in my life!
Second, my dear friend and part-time coach, Candace Smith.  She attends all of my shows and helps me with everything from suit, to tan, to posing, and even wrote all of my workouts for my last prep!  She is a true friend, supporter, and an amazing trainer as well.  
Last, all of my clients who have cheered me on and supported me along the way.  They inspire me to live this lifestyle and to practice what I preach.  When I see them meeting their goals, it inspires me to continue to achieve mine!


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