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From Obesity & Depression To World Class Physique : Monique Cormier : RX Spotlight
From Obesity & Depression To World Class Physique : Monique Cormier : RX Spotlight

Monique Cormier, who has overcome obesity and severe depression en route to becoming a world class amateur bodybuilder, joins Dave  [ ... ]

Went PRO In Figure & Women's Physique in SAME SHOW! Ashley Soden Interview | RX Spotlight
Went PRO In Figure & Women's Physique in SAME SHOW! Ashley Soden Interview | RX Spotlight

Ashley Stoden, who won her IFBB Pro card in Figure AND Women's Physique at the Team Universe, joins Dave Palumbo on an all-new ep [ ... ]



Spotlight On NPC Bikini Competitor: Dr. Stacey Naito

Spotlight On NPC Bikini Competitor:  Dr. Stacey Naito


Category you compete in: Bikini
Date of birth: July 9th, 1966IMG 20120505 222201
Hometown: Hollywood, CA

Career:  Physician, Model, Writer, Fitness Coach

Competition history:
NPC Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA - May 2012 - 1st place Masters Bikini B-Overall Masters Bikini Champion- 3rd place Open Bikini C
NPC Nationals, Miami, FL - November 2011 - Bikini D
IFBB North American, Cleveland, OH - September 2011 - 1st place Open Bikini C-2nd place Masters Bikini C
NPC Masters Nationals, Pittsburgh PA - July 2011 - 1st place Bikini C
NPC Team Universe, Teaneck NJ - July 2011 - 1st place Masters 45+ Bikini- 8th place Open Bikini D, 11th place Masters 35+ Bikini
NPC Nationals, Atlanta GA - October 2010 - 6th place Bikini D
IFBB North American, Cleveland, OH - September 2010 - 1st place Masters Bikini C-3rd place Open Bikini C
NPC Jr. USA, Houston, TX - August 2010 - 6th place Bikini D
NPC USA, Las Vegas, NV - July 2010 - 6th place Bikini D
NPC Team Universe, Hackensack, NJ - July 2010 - 13th place Bikini D
Emerald Cup, Snoqualmie, WA - April 2010 -2nd place Bikini Medium
NPC Excalibur, Culver City, CA - December 2009 -3rd place Unlimited Bikini Medium
NPC Nationals, Fort Lauderdale, FL - November 2009 -Bikini C
NPC Border States, San Diego, CA - October 2009 -  1st place Masters Bikini, 4th place Unlimited Bikini Medium
NPC Tournament of Champions, Culver City, CA - September 2009 - 1st place Masters Bikini, 2nd place Unlimited Bikini Medium
NPC Los Angeles, Culver City, CA - July 2009 -3rd place Masters Bikini, 6th place Unlimited Bikini Medium

Next competition:  NPC Team Universe, Teaneck, NJ - July 2012
How has your life changed since you adopted this lifestyle and started competing?
I have become more committed than ever before to lead by example since I began cimg 7324-edit-editompeting.  As a physician I recognize the importance and impact of such a role and know that by striving to continually reach a personal best, I have the power to inspire my patients and clients to take a proactive role in reaching their own fitness and wellness goals.

I also adore being a part of the culture which defines bodybuilding shows and fitness events and am honored to be a part of it.  There are so many dynamic personalities and wonderful people who compete and organize competitions, making the experience a complete blast every time.

Since I began competing my life has taken a frenetic pace which at times can be maddening, but which is mostly exhilarating and empowering.  It has been quite a challenge to switch roles between being a primary physician, cosmetic dermatology specialist, model, body transformation and contest prep coach, writer and fitness personality.  I can definitely say that life is never boring for me!

What have you found to be the best way to balance family, friends, career, this lifestyle, etc…
Due to the hectic nature of my daily life I have to allot a certain amount of time during the day for each task and force myself to shift away from it once I am done.  In other words, I put all my energy into seeing patients when I am at work, but I don’t allow it to infringe on the time I have allotted for my workouts, my contest prep clients, my family or my friends.  My lifestyle is so busy that I have to be efficient, so that means setting outfits aside for the next day, prepping and packing my food ahead of time, earmarking pockets of time to write articles, and scheduling my workouts, appointments and meetings tightly around each other.  This leaves little downtime, but I am so accustomed to this that I function pretty well in the midst of it all.   

If you could change places with one competitor for the day who would it be and why?
I would love to change places with Amanda Latona.  Amanda has one of the best physiques among the IFBB Bikini ladies and is strikingly beautiful.  In addition, she works steadily as a model and stage performer and lives in one of the most energized cities in America (Las Vegas).  Lastly, Amanda is very pure of heart, completely genuine and is hilarious.  

Name two of the most inspirational people in your life and tell why they inspire you.
My mother will always be one of the most inspirational people for me.  Her tenacity through tough times and her impressive ability to work full-time while also managing to raise me on her own will never cease to amaze me.  Another woman who is very dear to me who inspires me greatly is my best friend, Diane.  We have known each other since fifth grade and are like sisters.  Through the years I saw her complete college then sacrifice her dreams of attending law school once she got married and had her two children.  However, she continued to work full-time and worked her way up the ladder to become a paralegal while her children were very young.  Diane was accepted into the Joffrey Academy of Dance decades ago but opted against attending due to an ankle injury.  Now that
Diane's children are grown, she has no only rekindled her interest in ballet, but at the age of 47 has begun performing in shows in Bellingham, Washington.  
Tell one recipe or supplement you can’t live without.
I am well aware of how important glutamine is and take it three two four timimg 6367-edites a day.  I typically take in about fourteen grams daily, split up into a morning dose, post-workout dose and a dose before bedtime.

Tell about a typical training day for you.  What exercises, how many sets/reps…etc…
I typically perform three to six sets of each exercise, with some of them grouped into supersets.  I rest 30 seconds between sets, and perform anywhere from eight to twenty reps per exercise per set depending on the exercise and body part trained.  On day one of my five-day split, I work legs and usually include leg extensions, leg presses, squats, walking lunges and switch lunges.  Day two is usually shoulders and triceps day, usually consisting of shoulder presses, lateral raises, rope pushdowns, nose crushers and dumbbell kickbacks.  I work back and biceps on day three, incorporating pulldowns, seated cable rows, barbell rows, one arm pulldowns, hyperextensions, supermans, preacher curls, seated dumbbell curls and incline dumbbell curls into my routine.  On day four I thrash my legs with prone leg curls, weighted step ups, seated leg curls and barbell stiff legged deadlifts.  Day five is devoted to chest, shoulders and butt, consisting of pullovers, incline cheer press, side lateral raises, one leg leg presses, walking pump lunges, cable squats, hyperextensions and butt blaster.  I find that the extra attention to my shoulders and legs is essential for maintaining balance in my physique.  

In closing, Who would you like to give a shout out to?
I am indebted to my coaches Shannon Dey and Rob Rosetti for believing in me.  Since becoming a Bombshell Athlete in August of last year I have seen the most dramatic changes in my physique than ever before and have had the most challenging workouts of my competitive career.  I am also amazed by their attention to detail and the fact that they care so much for their athletes.  

I would also like to thank my boyfriend, Ian Lauer for putting up with my cranky moments and for also encouraging me to reach all my goals.  He is such an important part of my life and I am blessed to have him by my side.  There are so many other people I absolutely adore within the fitness industry, but the most supportive individuals who come to mind are: Roya Tehrani, Mystra Tillotson, Alison Burgess, Danny Fittro, Jerry Fredrick, Dean Tornabene, Leigh Hagen LHGFX, Natalie Minh, Chaz Photographics, Nicole Moneer Guerrero and all my fans.  I love you all.

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