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From Obesity & Depression To World Class Physique : Monique Cormier : RX Spotlight
From Obesity & Depression To World Class Physique : Monique Cormier : RX Spotlight

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Went PRO In Figure & Women's Physique in SAME SHOW! Ashley Soden Interview | RX Spotlight

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Spotlight On NPC Bikini Competitor: Paola Terry

Spotlight On NPC Bikini Competitor: Paola Terry

Category you compete in: Bikini
Date of birth: January 7th, 1987
Hometown: Born in Lima, Peru. I currently live in Anchorage, AK
Career: Clinical Microbiologist, MT

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If you could change into a superhero for a day who would you be and why?
I honestly don’t know much about individual superheroes, but from what I do know, I would choose to change into Wonder Woman. Wonder woman is strong as steel, stubborn as a mule, honest as Abe, and a fighter like Tyson. She displays a pure spirit and an unmatched respect for life. I also love that she is lean and muscular, but can easily get in touch with her feminine side.

What made you begin dedicating your lifestyle to this sport?
I have been doing swimwear modeling for fun for a few years. While I was at the gym three years ago, after my work out, I saw a group of bodybuilders checking in for an event. At that time, I didn’t know what bodybuilding was all about. So I asked a friend of mine, “What’s going on”? He told me they were athletes checking in for a bodybuilding, fitness, figure, and bikini competition the following day. My friend said randomly “Hey, you should do it, it’s a bikini competition“. At first, I had no idea what to expect or what the judges were really looking for. Even though I knew little about these fitness shows, I was a little bit familiar with modeling so I decided to jump in and try it.  The next day, I found myself on stage competing in my first state bikini show ever. I had no idea what I was getting myself into. On the day of the show, I showed up with a regular bikini and went on stage. It was very funny when the emcee told us to do the standard bikini turns facing the front and back. I didn’t know what they were referring to with all these directions, so I was kind of a mess on stage. There were only two girls competing in my class that day, and I came out on top! I was very excited placing first in my class even though I was a total rookie! After that day, I began to ask more details about the shows and their purpose. I started eating a more balanced diet because I learned soon after that, I was “ a skinny fat girl”. I’ve also learned how weight train correctly with good posture, and form. I really enjoy being on stage, but what I enjoy the most, taking care and maintaining a fit and healthy body.

What approach do you take to dieting...carb cycle..keto?
A lot people think that dieting is cutting out “everything” so they are afraid of it, but I don’t see it like that. I see dieting as a healthier and leaner way to eat. I’m training for a few shows this year so I’m eating 6 times a day. I’m constantly looking forward to my next meal because my daily routine includes working out, going to school, and working at my job, which all take a lot of my energy. For these upcoming competitions, I am trying a slightly different diet than before. I’m on a moderate carb diet with 50% protein, 30 % fat, and 20 % carbs. With the advice of Shawn Clapp, a diet specialist, I began to eat like this since the beginning of December 2011. My diet is based on my rate of fat loss and the amount of lean mass I have at the moment. I’m following his advice, but I’m also implementing a new eating strategy based on my reading and gathering information about all the nutrients necessary to accomplish my goals.

What do you think is the biggest misconception people have about competing?
I think that people generally think that competitors are individuals who already are in shape and have amazing bodies. What they don’t take into account is the fact that all these competitors have worked really hard to get the body they want and look the way they d541937 10150766676701388 601101387 11297990 1224287780 no. This sport is very challenging because it is not only learning how to stay fit and look your best, it also teaches you how to be comfortable and confident with yourself. It takes a lot of dedication and discipline to compete in this sport. It takes courage and confidence to not be afraid and present your best on stage. Like any other area of expertise, you have to constantly and continuously work towards your goal of maintaining an active life style and eating the right diet.

What is your most embarrassing childhood memory?
To answer this question, you should know that I’m originally from Peru, and I came to the United States when I was 14 years old. I have been living in Alaska for 11 years now and I love it. In Peru, I used to play volleyball on the Moyobamba-Peru volleyball team, which was something every little girl wanted at that time. Being a part of the team, you were going to be able to travel to different towns. On the first trip with the team, I was selected to start the volleyball game, which means I was going to be one of the first 6 girls on the court. I was very excited because I was also one of the youngest girls on the team. The coach assigned me a jersey number, when his assistant gave us our uniforms for the first game; we were all shocked because it was a one-piece suit.  I grabbed my jersey number and noticed it looked very small. I remember they took my measurements a while back, but I had apparently grown taller. Then I tried it on and in fact, it was too small. I had to wear it to our first game because they didn’t have any extras, all the girls got theirs and it fit them just perfect. Unfortunately, I was not so lucky. When I got on the volleyball court, I could feel that the audience was laughing at my outfit. I was so nervous and embarrassed that I was showing too much skin, especially my butt since it was very short.  I remember I was so embarrassed that I couldn’t concentrate on the game. I was making so many mistakes and I just wanted to put some pants on.  I was very mad that I had grown that much because I had waited for my first game with the city team for a long time. I cried all night after the game because I had waited for this moment for a long time and sadly we lost.
What is the biggest lesson you have learned about YOURSELF during your contest prep?
The biggest lesson I have learned about myself during contest prep is learning NOT to crunch-diet 4 weeks from a show. I’ve learn to start or continue to eat lean so that dieting for shows is not so hard on my body, which helps my body not to fluctuate too much which can affect you negatively. I stopped shortening my diet periods and now I eat lean all the time, now I actually enjoy the food I eat. Of course, I have a couple of cheating days here and there but not to often.  I focused on making my meals as delicious as possible without going overboard with flavorless chicken. It’s easy to get tired of the same flavors, or should I say, no flavor. This gives me the satisfaction to continue dieting without hating it. Luckily and thankfully my boyfriend Ben eats similar or sometimes the same lean delicious meals with me, which makes this process 100 times easier to stick with and maintain. Another lesson I’ve learned is that I can always improve my body from show to show. I love to see that I can shape my body the way I want. I have learned to have control over my health and eating habits. Sometimes, sticking with the diet is all mind games. You might thin546733 10150675334121557 596421556 9769047 934055968 nk your body needs a huge burger, but indeed, it just needs a delicious chicken salad. I now know that I’m capable of making the changes necessary to succeed and I enjoy the satisfactions of succeeding.

Who do you look up and admire and why?
I admire my personal trainer and friend Valentina Chepiga, former Ms. Olympia 2000. We don’t only chat about the fitness world we also converse about life. She is an amazing individual who has helped me to achieve the physique I always wanted and to learn how to live a healthy lifestyle. She has advised me to be strong-minded during hard training sessions. I’m blessed to hear motivational words from this former world-class champion athlete. She told me once, “This sport is an art, and you are working towards sculpturing your own body, and it will be your masterpiece”.

I also admire Jamie Eason, fitness/ writer/ model, she is a true inspiration. She is not just a gorgeous athletic woman, she is also a true example of how to live healthy and help others to do the same. She travels around the world on mission trips helping people in third world countries, teaching them how to have a healthy lifestyle. I really admire her passion in helping others and for being a great role model in the fitness world. I would love to meet her someday. I also follow and admire Amanda Latona and Nathalia Melo as well. I love their exotic look and their passion for fitness and competing.

Competition history:
2012 NPC BSN Emerald Cup- Overall Bikini Champion.
2012 NPC Vancouver USA Natural and Tanji’s Johnson Classic Championships- Bikini Class C (5'4"-5’6”) -2nd Place.
2011 NPC GCI Alaskan State Championships-Overall Bikini Champion.
2010 NPC Last Frontier championships-Women’s Bikini- 5'4" and over, 2nd place.
2009 Crystal Cup Championships-Women's Bikini- 5'4" and over, 1st place.
2009 The 21st Annual Natural Anchorage Pro AM Championships- Bikini Division, 1st place.

Next competition:
I’ve started this 2012 competition season at the NPC Vancouver USA in Vancouver, WA on March 31st, and the most recent competition I’ve done was the BSN Emerald Cup 2012 on April 21st, where I won the title for the Overall Bikini Champion.  After these two accomplishments, I’m planning to compete nationally on the following shows: on July 7th NPC Team Universe in Teaneck, NJ or on July 28th NPC USA Nationals in Las Vegas.

Favorite Motivational Quote:
"Champions aren't made in gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them. A desire, a dream, a vision. They have to have last-minute stamina, they have to be a little faster, they have to have the skill and the will. But the will must be stronger than the skill." – Muhammad Ali
I think this quote does not only apply in gyms; I think this can also apply in your daily life, to be a champion in your own life and for your own satisfaction. It takes a lot of work and passion to reach any goal in life, and you have to go out there and just do it, with hard work comes great success. All the hard work, love, and passion will eventually pay off and bring you great satisfaction with success. I personally like to say, “Live the moment, this moment is your life”- Paola Terry

Who would you like to thank?
First of all, I would love to thank my best friend and partner Ben Kennah, 559466 10150631261026557 596421556 9641485 552400318 nbecause he is always by my side supporting everything I want to do or challenge myself to accomplish in life. He understands and supports this sport, because he knows I love doing it. He also tries to come to the shows with me and recently he has changed his diet as well because he knows it is healthier for both of us. I also think he doesn’t want to see me suffering when I see him eating other stuff I used to enjoy eating or have cravings for PASTA! I don’t have enough words to express how much I want to thank him. I love him very much. I would love to thank my personal trainer, Valentina Chepiga, who was the first person that taught me to lift, pose, and train for a show back when I was 21 years old. Thank you for sticking with me all these years Valentina. I also want to thank Cinzia Clapp (IFBB Fitness Pro) and Shawn Clapp for teaching how to improve myself as an athlete in fitness competitions. They advised me on nutrition and on bringing the best of me to the stage. Shawn and Cinzia helped me during my most recent competitions out of state and had a significant impact on my success. I also want to thank my best friend Fabiola Burns, my kickboxing instructor Bobby Agron, and my sponsors Dr. Guy Burke of the Anchorage Midtown Dental Center, Keith Facer of Anchorage Athletic Club, and Sabrina Kerns of Salon Demetri. Special thanks to all my friends and family for believing in me and supporting my efforts.
I could not have done this without all of these great people who have such a positive influence on my life. Thank you all so much.

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