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From Obesity & Depression To World Class Physique : Monique Cormier : RX Spotlight
From Obesity & Depression To World Class Physique : Monique Cormier : RX Spotlight

Monique Cormier, who has overcome obesity and severe depression en route to becoming a world class amateur bodybuilder, joins Dave  [ ... ]

Went PRO In Figure & Women's Physique in SAME SHOW! Ashley Soden Interview | RX Spotlight
Went PRO In Figure & Women's Physique in SAME SHOW! Ashley Soden Interview | RX Spotlight

Ashley Stoden, who won her IFBB Pro card in Figure AND Women's Physique at the Team Universe, joins Dave Palumbo on an all-new ep [ ... ]



Spotlight On Physique Competitor: Angela Ruberto

Spotlight On Physique Competitor: Angela Ruberto


Category you compete in: PhysiqueChrisMahoneyAngelaRubertoIFBBMattActon

Date of birth: November 7, 1985

Hometown: Franklin Square, Long Island, NY

Career: Publicist - I earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Public Relations from Long Island University: CW Post


Next competition: Planning on competing in the 2012 Metropolitians (March 31, 2012), followed by the Pittsburgh, PA show on May 5th and then if I really want to go crazy, I’m going to throw in the Jay Cutler Classic in Boston, MA on May 6, 2012, then the Atlantic States on June 2, 2012 - for now! Once I’m in contest shape I don’t think you’ll ever get me off that stage!


What do you feel is the WORST part of contest prep?

The worst part of contest prep is probably it’s affect on the other aspects of your life. The diet, the workouts - those are all things that one can get used to. It’s much more difficult to deal with the repercussions from family & friends who get annoyed when you can’t really go out, partake in social events and who don’t understand why we essentially live on solitary confinement. It’s not like any other career or hobby - contest prep takes over your life 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The most committed competitor places everything else - their job, their friends, their family, behind their main goal: that title.


Would you please tell us a little about your workout schedule?

Right now I’m on a two workouts per day, six days per week schedule. I do fasted cardio in the morning, meaning I don’t eat prior to working out, and then I go back to lift at night. My current workout splits look like:

Monday - Legs

Tuesday - ShouldersPicture030NOEDIT - Copy

Wednesday - Chest

Thursday - Arms (Tris/Bis/Forearms)

Friday - Legs

Saturday - Back

 As important as I think it is to have a structured workout plan so you know what you are doing before you step foot in the door, it is also important to access your body. For example, its Sunday night right now and I hit legs on Friday and am still exceptionally sore, my hamstrings are so tight from doing stiff Legs. It’s in my best interest to switch up my typical leg workout tomorrow & hit a body part that is not sore. So prepare, but also prepare to switch it up if you need to!

I usually start with a 5 minute brisk walk on the treadmill & then hit the weights. I’ll do a few light weight warm up reps achieving 20-30 reps just to get the muscle ready & get the blood flowing. Then I hit about 4 sets of weights, increasing weights each set and going to failure each time. I usually rest 45 seconds in between each set. I finish up my lifting with some high intensity cardio - like intervals on the stairmaster or treadmill.


If you had to lose one of your 5 senses, which one would you prefer to lose and why?

 I actually read this question & proceeded to think about the answer throughout my cardio session and I think I decided on smell.  I can barely see as it is so it would be terrible to lose any more vision. Hearing would have such an effect on my existence simply because I rely on music in each part of my life - especially when I lift! I thought about taste since I don’t eat for taste anymore, I simply eat to fuel my body, but it would be so upsetting to not be able to enjoy the few cheat meals I do get. Smell made the most sense, plus, I spend 20+ hours a week in the gym - trust me, I wouldn’t miss that smell!


If you could change one things about this sport what would it be?

I wouldn’t change anything about the work involved, but I’d love to change the perception; the idea that lifting weights makes you look “like a boy” or that all you have to do is lift 5lbs a few times to build extraordinary muscles. I hate that some girls are afraid to lift - trust me it isn’t THAT easy to bulk up. And the whole “Look like a boy” thing , I pride myself on, while building a muscular physique, still maintaining a feminine aesthetic, keeping curves where they belong.


If you had a time capsule what would you put inside it and why?

It’s probably impossible to put certain moments in a time capsule but it’d be nice to have a little box of moments, events and memories that I have missed because of training and leading this life so I could, when I’m ready, go through them & feel as if I was there. That, or some chocolate and carbs because I have a feeling I won’t be seeing any of those two things in the near future! =)


What is your favorite vacation spot?

Vacation? What’s that? Haha, I dont think I have been away in years! I’ve taken quick weekends away to Connecticut or DC, (I still worked out each day I was away) but I haven’t taken an actual vacation since before college! My ideal vacation isn’t a sight seeing, get up at 6AM to catch a tour kind of thing, I’d love to just sleep in, lay on a beach and relax. I’ll take a vacation after I earn my pro card!


What advice do you have for women who would like to get involved in and compete in the sport of bodybuilding?

Oh, I have SO much advice because I’ve been through it ALL! Be patient - picking up a weight once, twice or ten times isn’t going to develop that muscle you’re trying to hit - it takes time so keep going! Educate yourself - just like ANY career, you can’t just hop into it without knowing anything. Read, research and listen when people give you advice. Everyone has different experiences training and everyone can provide you tips, advice and outlooks that could help you. Immerse yourself in this lifestyle. Diet harder than you train - what you put in your body directly affects what you get out of it. Feed your body the best fuel you can to ensure optimal performance. Sweat - Hit cardio, don’t be afraid to sweat. Supplement yourself property to avoid muscle fatigue or going catabolic, but condition yourself to be an athlete as well as someone who is aesthetically pleasing to the judging panel.

What is a day-in-the-life of Angela like?
I feel like a camera should probably follow me around for a few days to grasp the insanity at its finest, that’s how ridiculous it is. Typically, I am up at 6:30 AM, packing my 6 Pack Bag with meals & supplements for the day. Then it’s off to Bev Francis Powerhouse Gym in Syosset, NY for an hour of moderate intensity fasted cardio. If I have time, I like to hit the sauna for 10 minutes. Then it’s off to the office in Garden City. I have my phone go off every 2 hours reminding me to take my supplements and eat. Usually off around 5 and then I’ll hit the gym to lift - sometimes alone sometimes with IFBB Pro Matt Acton or NPC Competitor Chris Mahoney - those are the best days.... that extra push really makes a difference. I’ll lift for an hour or so followed by 20 minutes of high intensity cardio ,stairmaster or sprints, some abs, then a trip to Fuel Cafe in Hicksville for a post workout meal. By then it's about 8:30PM, I get home, attempt to socialize with my puppy till its time for my last meal and bedtime around 11PM. Repeat :)


Favorite Motivational Quote: AngelaRuberto1

 This has to be one of my favorites: “This is my body, and I can do whatever I want to it. I can push it; study it; tweak it; listen to it. Everybody wants to know what I am on. What am I on? I am on my bike busting my ass six hours a day; What are you on?” ― Lance Armstrong

It’s my favorite because over the last year i have made a pretty ridiculous transformation & the continual “What are you on?” question really gets aggravating. It reminds me that in a world where everyone looks for the short cut, the quick fix, I can stand tall knowing I haven’t done that. tThere is no magic routine, no shop sells Jesus in a pill. Hard work always comes out on top & there are very few who are willing to do it.



In closing, Who would you like to give a shout out to?

My coaches Shannen Dey & Gennifer Strobo of Bombshell Fitness for guiding me, pushing me, and more than anything - believing in me.

Everyone at Shredded Sports in Levittown, NY - it’s so rare to be able to go into a supplement store and get an actual customized stack based off of your goals - and there, you can.

Huge shout out & so much love and respect to IFBB Pro Matt Acton - he has been a huge motivator and influence in my life & I can honestly say if it wasn’t for his advice, guidance and him pushing me, the strides I’ve been making wouldn’t have ever happened. He’s a prime example that hard work & continuing to educate yourself leads to success.

One of my training partners and NPC Competitor Chris Mahoney - I am somehow stronger when he is around pushing me, I wish everyone had someone like him to lift with. His unwavering positivity is going to get me through this season!

Everyone that’s shown love & support - my growing Facebook fan community! I usually can’t lift or certainly don’t hit cardio as hard without an Ant Matos track on - so huge shout out to him for keeping me going with some sick tracks at MAD VOLUME!

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