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From Obesity & Depression To World Class Physique : Monique Cormier : RX Spotlight
From Obesity & Depression To World Class Physique : Monique Cormier : RX Spotlight

Monique Cormier, who has overcome obesity and severe depression en route to becoming a world class amateur bodybuilder, joins Dave  [ ... ]

Went PRO In Figure & Women's Physique in SAME SHOW! Ashley Soden Interview | RX Spotlight
Went PRO In Figure & Women's Physique in SAME SHOW! Ashley Soden Interview | RX Spotlight

Ashley Stoden, who won her IFBB Pro card in Figure AND Women's Physique at the Team Universe, joins Dave Palumbo on an all-new ep [ ... ]



Spotlight On NPC Figure Competitor: May Strickland

Spotlight On NPC Figure Competitor: May Strickland


Category you compete in: Figure 03732110 westcoastclassic jun 25 2011 finals

Date of birth: 5.17.67

Hometown: San Diego, CA

Career: Federal Employee with the Department of Defense & NPC Figure Competitor.

What is your favorite childhood memory? Growing up I was a cross between a ‘girlie girl’ and a ‘tomboy. My best friend and I used to sneak into her mom’s make up kit and act like we knew how to put make up on..not a pretty sight:). Then we would ride our bikes and skateboard up and down the street all day long until the street lights went out, which meant it was time to get home.


Name a song that motivates you. I don’t really have a particular song that motivates me; I like a variety of music genres. When I want to hit it hard at the gym I listen to old school rap/hip hop i.e. Boogie Down Productions, Erik B. etc. Depending on my mood, I also listen to R&B, Pop, Jazz, Techno, Reggae…


What is your biggest gym pet peeve? I get annoyed when people who are not at the gym to work out come up and try to start a conversation with me while I’m in the middle of my workout, and when I have my headphones on (which should be a clue that I don’t want to be bothered). I am polite with my response, but then after I put my headphones back on and move on to another machine, they follow me and do not get the hint. I have met a lot of great friends that are fellow ‘gym rats’, and we do have conversations at the gym, but we have the courtesy not to interrupt each other’s workout.03732098 westcoastclassic jun 25 2011 comparison


How do you like to reward yourself? I take full advantage of my one cheat meal. I’ll have either a burger and fries, pizza or Mexican food with lots of hot sauce. Oh and for dessert, I usually have my favorite Filipino dessert called bibinka. It’s a mixture of sweet rice, coconut milk and brown sugar…yummyJ When my coach takes away my cheat meal, I like to reward myself with a new workout outfit or new sneakers. After contest, I have a goody bag all packed up with my favorite snacks to munch on. I also like to get a relaxing deep tissue massage..as you can tell, I believe in celebrating accomplishments.


If you could change one thing about the world what would it be?

If I could change something about the world it would be that everyone would have adequate health care and coverage. There are so many people out there that do not get the medical treatment that they need because of lack of coverage, not enough funds to cover specialized treatments or no adequate medical facilities.

What do you do right before you step onstage? I visualize myself going through my poses, take a deep breath and exhale. Using visualization to get mentally prepared is a habit that I have developed over the years in preparation for other types of competitions that I have participated in. This helps me relax and enjoy the moment. I kind of zone out and then once I start walking out on stage with the bright lights, the music playing, and the crowd cheering, it’s on!

Nook, Book or Kindle? Book for sure…Although its been a while since I have been able to find the time to sit down and read a good book, I do enjoy the feel of a real book. I work on a computer all day long and my eyes get really strained…so when I do read for fun, I would definitely prefer a book.

Competition history:

2010 Max Muscle Maxformation Contest – Top 20

2010 NPC Border States – 9th Figure Class A Open, 11th Figure Class A Masters

2011 NPC San Diego Championships – 3rd Figure Class A Open, 5th Figure Class A Masters

2011 NPC Southern California – 1st Figure Class A Open, 2nd Figure Class A Masters

2011 Western All Forces – 1st Figure Class Short & Overall Figure

2011 NPC West Coast Classic – 2nd Figure Class A Open, 3rd Figure Class A Masters

03710752 westcoastclassic jun 25 2011 2nd place figure AIf someone followed you for the day what would they be most surprised about? I multi-task all day long and I do not know the meaning of sitting down to relax. I’m always on the go. I thrive on being able to do and accomplish multiple tasks at the same time. At work, I access various systems, documents, email etc..while at the same time participating or conducting conference calls. At home, I fully utilize the oven/stove/slow cooker/toaster oven etc.. to cook my meals all at once while I fill in my pill boxes with my supplements for the week…oh, and I can also check homework while doing this too. These are just some examples of the mutli-tasking that I do..Ok, so I really need to slow down some time….I just don’t know how.

 What is your preferred tanning product and why? I have tried both Pro Tan and Jan Tana. I like the way the Pro Tan gives me a deep dark tan, but the smell makes me feel like passing out. I like the more natural looking tan I get from Jan Tana and I actually like the scent of this product. If I had to choose between the two I would choose Jan Tana.

 Favorite Quote: “Persistence prevails when all else fails.” I am a true Taurus..stubborn as hell. When I want something I go all out and do not believe in giving up. I have this quote printed on a rock on my desk at work.. I’ve had it for years. I apply this philosophy in my personal life and at work. In my line of work, I am assigned to projects that are complex and with short fused deadlines. Somehow I make it happen and it’s because when I hit a roadblock, I don’t just stop, I keep going until I find a solution. In my personal life, I have to deal with many obstacles and I continue to choose to face them head on.

 Who would you like to thank? My husband Mark, kids (especially my youngest daughter, Kaliyah, for making sure I don’t ‘cheat’ on my diet), family and friends for all the support and love, especially during my low carb days when I have absolutely no energy and I become somewhat ‘irritable’. I would also like to thank my awesome Coach Tad (The Diet Coach) Inoue and 24 Hour Fitness Master Trainer Marcus Cammilleri. Other friends that have been a part of my transformation and fitness journey: IFBB Pro Masae Tagame Parker, Military Figure Team Coach Mike Shanks, Gonzales Sports Academy (GSA) Trainer Jesse Casora & Max Muscle La Jolla, CA owner Alan Kaechele.


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