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From Obesity & Depression To World Class Physique : Monique Cormier : RX Spotlight
From Obesity & Depression To World Class Physique : Monique Cormier : RX Spotlight

Monique Cormier, who has overcome obesity and severe depression en route to becoming a world class amateur bodybuilder, joins Dave  [ ... ]

Went PRO In Figure & Women's Physique in SAME SHOW! Ashley Soden Interview | RX Spotlight
Went PRO In Figure & Women's Physique in SAME SHOW! Ashley Soden Interview | RX Spotlight

Ashley Stoden, who won her IFBB Pro card in Figure AND Women's Physique at the Team Universe, joins Dave Palumbo on an all-new ep [ ... ]



Spotlight On Fitness Pro: Allison Ethier

Spotlight On Fitness Pro: Allison Ethier

IFBB Fitness Pro, Personal Trainer, Fitness Model , Slimquick Razor Spokesmodel and Gym Rat

Category you compete in: IFBB Pro FitnessAEthier-orange

Date of birth: Nov 3 (year – does it matter?)

Hometown:   Halifax, NS- but grew up in Moncton, NB

Career:   for 10 years high school math teacher, last 2 personal trainer

 How does your family respond to your competing? Supportive, yet annoyed at times. They know it is extremely important to me, and as the years pass they have learned to work around my eating. Sure I can eat what you are serving for dinner in the off season, but in season they know I am bringing my own. (sometimes if I just don’t like what they are serving I still bring my own food) I guess you could see me as a really a cheap date – I bring my own food, drink and participate in the event or festivities. You never have to worry about me. Chicken, veggies, and water. The family knows that is really all I need.

Trips and holidays are sometimes planned around my competition schedule. There are times when I do have to say ‘no’ to myself as I would compete in every show.

 It is hard to be traveling and get in good effective workouts on the road. I tend to stay close to home during prep. I work, workout, and sleep. That is about it. Train, eat, sleep, repeat – it applies to me.

What kind of goals have you set for yourself, short-term and long-term?

Competition – Olympia 2012.

Allison-Ethier-SQ-RingWith the rules changed it has become even harder to get there, but that will not stop me from trying.  I did well my first year competing, and not sure what happened the second year as I did not place as well. I am hoping the 3rd year as a pro is the charm. (fingers crossed)

Family – more children.

Professional – grow my business and be super successful at personal training and contest prep. I see a lot men trainers who are successful, and would like to see more women. I won’t be competing forever, and would love to pass on all my successes and failures to those newbies who require direction. The Internet was not as it is today, and sometimes too much information can be overwhelming to those who are new to competition.  

What's currently on your iPod? I love PitBull – he is everywhere right now, Florence and the Machine, Adele, Danny Fernandes, a lot of dance music. Sometimes when I love a song, I put it on repeat, and workout to just that one song. I can never workout without music. It is my one key accessory in the gym.

What are your hobbies and interests outside of the bodybuilding world? My son – he is my life. Soccer in the house, handstands in the school yard, and he can do the monkey bars. He is super strong for his age.

My website, email, and work keep me pretty occupied. I could spend the whole day on email, and never get anything else done.

Fitness is still my hobby although a full time one. I always wanted a full time fitness career. This has become my dream. Sure teaching was very rewarding at times, but I have become cinical about the way the system treats students and needed to take a break from teaching. Perhaps in the future I will return to teaching, but for now personal training, fitness, competitions, etc, is where I feel like I belong.

Extreme Couponer – I collect coupons. Yes, inspired by the show – on TLC however in Canada we don’t get deals like that.

Do you have a favorite exercise? Chin ups, and anything for the shoulder – love it. Although my body cannot take the volume it once used to when I was younger I still love, love, love, and get excited to train shoulders.

Competition history:ArnoldRX-01

 I spent about 10 years in various other federations before coming over to the IFBB.

     2011 Toronto Pro – 12th

     2011 New York Pro – 12th

     2011 Fitness International – 13th

     2010 Europa Texas Pro Fitness – 5th

     2010 Orlando Pro Fitness – 6th

     2010 New York Pro Fitness – 5th

     2010 Fitness International Invitational – 15th

     2009 IFBB Pro Fitness Altantic City – 9th

     2009 North American Fitness Champion – Overall & IFBB Pro

     2009 Canadian Naturals Nationals – 2nd

     2009 Arnold Amateur Fitness – 2nd

     2009 National Natural Physique Championships – 2nd

     2008 Arnold Classic Amateur Fitness Champion – Overall

     2007 CBBF Nationals Fitness Championships – 5th Short Class


Next competition:

Flex Pro – 18 February 2012 – Santa Monica, CA

Arnold Fitness International – 02-03 March 2012 – Columbus Ohio

Tentative – IFBB St. Louis pro – 17 March 2012 – St Louis

Favorite Fitness Tip: Consistency is the key. Keep pushing forward. Never give up.

  SQrazor-1pg allisonBeach Final revised 040111Who would you like to thank?

Slimquick Razor (www.myslimquick.com) – they have been in my corner since 2004.

 Tamee Marie – suit sponsor for 2011, and 2012


My friends and family for always being there, even when I am MIA the week before a contest.

My husband for always allowing me to be me.

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