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From Obesity & Depression To World Class Physique : Monique Cormier : RX Spotlight
From Obesity & Depression To World Class Physique : Monique Cormier : RX Spotlight

Monique Cormier, who has overcome obesity and severe depression en route to becoming a world class amateur bodybuilder, joins Dave  [ ... ]

Went PRO In Figure & Women's Physique in SAME SHOW! Ashley Soden Interview | RX Spotlight
Went PRO In Figure & Women's Physique in SAME SHOW! Ashley Soden Interview | RX Spotlight

Ashley Stoden, who won her IFBB Pro card in Figure AND Women's Physique at the Team Universe, joins Dave Palumbo on an all-new ep [ ... ]



Spotlight On: Catherine Andersen

Spotlight On: Catherine Andersen

Beach shots 050Category you compete in: IFBB Pro Figure

Date of birth: 12/10/1969

Hometown: York, PA

Career: Indoor Fitness & Boot Camp Coach/Owner

What is your favorite contest prep recipe? – This is so easy; a new one this year. ½ ripe avocado on a plain rice cake. YES, it is that good and that easy! Try it and let me know!

What part of your physique are you currently working on? ALWAYS my glutes. It seems I have slightly more “ass fat” (can I say that?) on my right side than I do my left. So, being focused on symmetry, I am always working on tightening and toning that area. This year is the best I have looked so far so it looks like I am doing something right.

Name one piece of nutrition/fitness advice that has stuck with you. – You cannot undo your food with your workouts! It stinks but is SO true!

If you could compete in one other event (IFBB, physique, figure, fitness, bikini) which would it be and why? For sure physique! I am a closet bodybuilder (do not tell my coach that) and I love the strong musculature that this new division is bringing to the stage. If I was hippier and had less muscle, then it would be bikini, but this girl is a muscled athlete.

Why NPC: I never really investigated any other federation to be honest. I knew NPC was the most prestigious and well known so I have only ever competed in this federation. I have enjoyed my journey, but respect the other federations that exist these days.

What do you like best about competing? Getting better each time I get on stage; the competition and challenge to get better. If you are not learning from the past competitions, then why compete. It is all about beating your last showing…oh yeah, and the girl next to you. :)

What are your goals for the future? – Ok, here is the flat out truth…I am coming off of a 2 year off season and have pulled some muscle off my physique to come in more inline with the newer Figure criteria. After the KY pro on 11/5/2011, based on how I place; my coach and I will decide what shows I plan to do in 2012. They maybe in Figure, OR you may see me on the Physique stage! I placed 8th at my Pro debut, the Figure International 2008 but the criteria in Figure has changed since then. I did beat Nicole Wilkins in that 2008 show and she is currently the Figure “ideal.” So that bodes well for my physique. We shall see, but either way, I am excited for 2012.

Competition history:FIG 3825

* Pittsburgh Pro (Pittsburgh, PA) – May 2008; 7th Place Figure

* Pro Debut - Figure International/Arnold Classic (Columbus, OH) – March 2008; 8th Place (Placed 8th, Nicole Wilkins placed 11th)

* USA Bodybuilding/Figure/Fitness Championships (Las Vegas, NV) – July 2007; 1st Place Figure Class E and 1st Place Overall

* Figure Nationals/Team Universe (New York, NY) – July 2007; 6th Place Figure Class F

* Jr. National Bodybuilding/Figure/Fitness Championships (Chicago, IL) – June 2007; 3rd Place Figure Class D

* North American Bodybuilding/Figure/Fitness Championships (Cleveland, OH) – September 2006; 2nd Place Masters Figure Class D

* USA Bodybuilding/Figure/Fitness Championships (Las Vegas, NV) –   July 2006; 4th Place Figure Class F

* Jr. National Bodybuilding/Figure/Fitness Championships (Chicago, IL) – June 2006; 8th Place Figure Class D

* WI State Bodybuilding & Figure Championships (Madison, WI) – May 2006; 1st Place Figure Tall Class and 1st Place Overall

* WI State Fair Physique Championships (Milwaukee, WI) – August 2003; 1st Place Heavyweight Class and 1st Place Overall

Next competition: KY Figure Pro, 11/5/2011

Hobbies: I am an avid reader. I read it all; fitness magazines, fitness & nutrition research journals, science fiction, science fantasy, drama, and mystery. How else can you take your mind off of food right? I also enjoy spending time traveling with my husband. I am a constant learner and think the best learning comes from experience.

What is the biggest lesson you have learned over the years when it comes to competing? – Try not to take it ALL so seriously. This is a hobby for 99% of us. You are not going to get rich, no one is going to die. You must enjoy the process and keep the “fun” factor up or why do it?

What is your favorite contest prep supplement? – I have been seeing great results from the combo of L-Tyrosine and Kelp. I think the amino acid combined with the natural thyroid stimulator has really helped me lean out. Oh, and of course my FAVORITE protein powder of all time; Beverly International Cookies & Crème. This has single handedly saved me from crazed ice cream runs a few weekends!

Favorite Quote: “Do or do not, there is no try.” Yoda (told you a liked science fiction)

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