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From Obesity & Depression To World Class Physique : Monique Cormier : RX Spotlight
From Obesity & Depression To World Class Physique : Monique Cormier : RX Spotlight

Monique Cormier, who has overcome obesity and severe depression en route to becoming a world class amateur bodybuilder, joins Dave  [ ... ]

Went PRO In Figure & Women's Physique in SAME SHOW! Ashley Soden Interview | RX Spotlight
Went PRO In Figure & Women's Physique in SAME SHOW! Ashley Soden Interview | RX Spotlight

Ashley Stoden, who won her IFBB Pro card in Figure AND Women's Physique at the Team Universe, joins Dave Palumbo on an all-new ep [ ... ]



Spotlight On: JILL RUDISON

Spotlight On: JILL RUDISON

 308093 10150416483124045 578994044 10867308 1068081 nCategory you compete in: I used to compete in figure, but you can’t make a round peg fit in a square hole, and I like to train hard, so Physique was a perfect fit for me!

Date of birth: August 16th, 1978

Hometown: Miami, Florida – The 305!

Career: Freelance Television & Event Producer

What is your favorite childhood memory? I was an interesting child. I remember sitting in my front yard and eating salad with Kraft Creamy Garlic dressing and just enjoying feeling the grass underneath me and watching the planes fly overhead and gazing at the clouds. It’s a memory that stands out.

 Name a song that motivates you. Nicki Minaj’s “Moment 4 Life”

 What is your biggest gym pet peeve? People who wear way too much cologne or perfume. You’re gonna get stinky – just wear deoderant!!! Or people who just cut in your machine/weights without asking to jump in when they SEE you’re circuit training.

 How do you like to reward yourself? A nice glass of Moscato wine from time to time is delightful. Weekly massages are a must.


If you could change one thing about the world what would it be? If I could only change ONE thing for the entire world, I guess I’d have to do good for all of mankind, so how’s world peace?

What do you do right before you step onstage? Re-apply lipstick, pump up and crack some jokes with the expeditors while waiting in the wings.

Nook, Book or Kindle? Book. I’m old skool. Although I just got an iPad, so..

Competition history: (get ready – it’s extensive!) LOL

2011 NPC USA Championships – Women’s Physique – Class B – 3rd Place

2011 NPC Orange County Classic – Figure – Class E - 3rd Place

 2011 NPC MuscleContest Bodybuilding, Physique, Figure, & Bikini Championships – Figure – Class E - 4th Place

 2010 NPC USA Championships – Figure – Class E - 16th Place

 2010 Muscle Beach International Classic Bodybuilding, Figure and Bikini Competition – Open Figure - Overall Winner

 2010 Muscle Beach International Classic Bodybuilding, Figure and Bikini Competition – Open Figure – Class E - 1st Place

 2010 Muscle Beach International Classic Bodybuilding, Figure and Bikini Competition – Novice Figure – Figure – Class E - 2nd Place

 2010 NPC California State Bodybuilding, Figure & Bikini Championships – Figure – Class E - 3rd Place

 2009 NPC Excalibur Bodybuilding & Figure Championships – Figure – Class E - 9th Place

 2009 Muscle Beach International Classic – Novice Figure – Class E - 1st Place

 2009 NPC California State Bodybuilding, Figure and Fitness Championships – Figure – Class E - 4th Place

2008 NPC Excalibur Bodybuilding & Figure Championships – Figure – Class E – 8th

 2004 NPC Southern States Bodybuilding Fitness & Figure Championships – Figure - Class E – 8th Place

 2004 Gina Ostarly Competition - Figure – Class E - 4tth Place

 2003 NPC Diamond Anniversary Body Building Fitness & Figure Competition – Figure – Tall 2nd Place

 2003 NPC Southern States Bodybuilding Fitness & Figure Competition – Figure – Class E – 9th Place


Next competition: NPC - WP Nationals in Miami – November 2011 – I’m coming home to Miami for my PRO CARD!!53611 10150089215774045 578994044 7237180 2900030 o

If someone followed you for the day what would they be most surprised about? How I am probably the most “normal” bodybuilder ever. I’m also pretty funny and sarcastic. Also how much I get done in one day. It’s ridiculous. But I forgo sleep, which is not so great.

What is your preferred tanning product and why? Spray – Jan Tana – good even clean color. No stink.

Fake n’ Bake Bed – Platinum 3X – no tingle! Yayyyyy!

Favorite Quote: “The only thing you have control of is your reaction.”

Who would you like to thank?

All of the people who have had a special place along the way of my training and competing:

Maria Bellando – for double dog daring me to enter the Southern States in 2004 and starting this wild ride of competing in the NPC. You ARE superwoman!

Joanne Lee – for taking me on when I moved to LA and being an amazing mentor and friend. I wanna be YOU when I grow up!

Robert Mathis – for helping me “need make legs smaller” and letting me FLY.

Charles Glass – for taking me to the NEXT level and seeing and believing the greatness in me. I will achieve beyond what anyone can imagine. Bet that.

Devon Schwan – for making things both hard and easy for me on so many levels. You have taught me to be stronger than I ever imagined I was capable of.

Lenyn Nunez – my brother. You have enriched my life so much just being a true friend. Te quiero!

My parents – thank you for not disowning me as a teenager and supporting my oddball dreams as an adult. I love you for your endless support.

img-14.phpAnd a very dear friend and my biggest emotional supporter, you know who you are. I thank you for your support with every fiber of my being. You are truly the most beautiful human being I have ever had the pleasure to meet. Thank you. I love you always and will never forget.





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