

Safiya Johnson: A Day In The Life of A Fitness Professional





pic 2Blog  1: Finding a Photographer

When I first entered the fitness scene over 8 years ago, I wasn't picky. In fact, if you said you had a camera, I was game to shoot. I didn't ask any questions nor did I look at prior work. I figured "I'm new at this, so what do I have to lose?" The answer to that question is TIME! Over the years, I've learned that anyone with a camera can call themselves a photographer and the same goes for modeling! So keeping that in mind, it's important to do your homework so you don't waste your time or theirs for that matter.

The fitness industry has its share of talented photographers that do great work. If you have the opportunity to shoot with them, go for it. If it's within your budget...go for it, if you have $1500 laying around that couldn't go towards bills, go for it (NOT)!  A lot of these photographers make a living out of this and so reasonably so they should be compensated for their work. But, having said that...I have never in my life paid for a shoot. Now that doesn't mean I won't because I'm sure one day I will and I certainly believe in paying for a service well done. It just means that I haven't yet exhausted all my resources and this is what I really want to share with you.

On a side note, now would be a great time to introduce... Don't number 1: Be one of those girls who feels she should get everything for free...that's annoying to photographers and anyone alike! Especially if you have nothing special to offer them. Let's keep it real, you ain't Tyra Banks but a girl CAN try, lol.

As a model, social networks have proven to be an invaluable resource. If you aren't networking then you are missing out. Photographers and even makeup artist benefit from these networks as well. If you have a facebook, I'm sure you've seen photographers and makeup artist advertising their services for upcoming events. I started competing right out of high school and did many shows while in college...much of it funded by ME. So do you think I had extra funds laying around for pretty photos? I am well aware of the expenses the already come with the sport. My goal is to show you how to save your $$ and make sure you have exhausted all your resources before opening up your wallet. (Just so photographers don't kill me...I am not saying to NEVER open up your wallets)!

Say hello to "Model Mayhem". It is like a facebook for models and photographers. Its free picand a great way to connect with other professionals. What I like about MM is that it allows you to control your search through location and view portfolios. Every time I travel, I always make it a point to try and connect with a good photographer in the area. It takes me about 30 seconds to decide whether or not I want to work with someone. Let's face it...photographers want to make a good impression so they are going to show you their best stuff. They are not going to put up some crappy avatar to represent their work. If you like what you see, you simply make the connect and hopefully you can work out a trade.

Here's a little model/photographer lingo for ya:

TFCD: Trade for CD

TFP: Trade for Prints

Basically you as a model shoot for free in exchange for free photos. EVERYONE WINS!! The photographer doesn't have to pay you and you don't have to pay them. It's a trade because you are both wanting and/or needing something from the other person. Most well established photographers won't always be down for TFCD because their portfolio is complete.

Remember think outside of the box. All because someone doesn't advertise "fitness photography" doesn't mean they aren't capable of shooting it. In fact, you are more likely to score a TFP from photographers who don't have a lot fitness photography in their work.  You could perhaps interest them in expanding their portfolio.

SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL PHOTOGRAPHERS. You don't always have to jet out to L.A. or Miami to score a great shoot. I don't care if you live in Alaska or South Carolina, there will always be a few talented photographers nearby. I recently had the privilege of shooting with a local photographer who produced amazing images for me. Who knew? Talk about finding a diamond in the rough!

Stay tuned next week: More to come.....



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