Bros V Pros is on the move again. Fans of this ever growing event wanted us on the West Coast to try and take some of our prize money. Well, you asked, and we are answering. Get this. Iron Mag Labs Bros V Pros 15 will not only be in Seattle for the Emerald Cup Bodybuilding Championships, but we will be coming to Vegas in June and San Diego in August. West Side Players listen up! Seattle and the Pacific Northwest has some incredible athletes and judging by the names contacting us to compete, this show will not disappoint. Bodybuilders, figure, fitness, powerlifters, crossfit, strongmen and women. Everyone wants in on a chance to take home some of our more than $3,000 in prize money.
May 4th at the Meydenbauer Convention Center in Bellevue, Wa. which is 20 minutes east across Lake Washington from downtown Seattle the whole Bros V Pros crew will bring you some of the best Pro's we have seen cross our stage yet. Representing the Men is brand spanking new IFBB Pro Justin Compton and for the Women uber hottie IFBB Womens Physique Pro Sabrina Taylor. Together they plan on defending the deadlifting dais with ease! Confidence is something neither of these two lack!
The events we will contest in Seattle are certainly our most popular. For the men and women we will contest the Deadlift and the Curl. The deadlift weight for men will be 315lbs and for the girls, 185lbs. Both will shoot for maximum repetitions which requires athletes to dig deep within themselves to summon strength and character to reach numbers unheard of. Our mens record is held by a Bro in Mark Lerch from New York with 52 rep at 315lbs. As for the girls, another Bro in Rebecca Klopp from Pennsylvania knocked down an amazing 99 reps with 185lbs.Our curl competition ended in controversy at Bros V Pros 14 in New York earlier this year. Retired pro Strongman and Editor for Rx Muscle Bryan Hildebrand defeated a room full of Bros to take home the cash and broke the Bros V Pros record with 65 reps on the 110lb bar. The Bros felt slighted and a rematch is in line in New Jersey in December. For the ladies, IFBB Pro Colette Nelson broke the record at the same event by knocking down 104 reps with 60lbs. Who in Seattle can match these numbers? We will have to wait and see.
A HUGE special thank you to Sean Katterle and the Hardcore Powerlifting crew who are leaving all of their equipment ready to roll on the Species Nutrition Ultra Lounge stage. That’s right, the Ultra Lounge stage! Can you say cocktails and brutal ground pounding deadlifts? Sean is leaving us the best lifting equipment on the planet: Ivanco and Texas Power Systems! This is guaranteed to be a Bros V Pros unlike any other in our history.
Bros V Pros events are always free to enter. After entering the venue, look for the Ultra Lounge on the 2nd floor. Sign ups are from 11:00-12:00pm with an athletes meeting taking place immediately afterward. Women will lead off with the deadlift followed by the Mens Deadlift, the Womens Curl and culminating with the Mens Curl.
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