Last Saturday, February 16th was my first competition of 2013, the RX Muscle Bros vs Pros 14 at Gold’s Gym in Deer Park, NY. I competed in the women’s deadlift event where the women deadlifted 185lbs for the maximum number of reps without setting the bar down. I did 99 reps to win my third consecutive deadlift title. It was a great day that will fuel me for weeks and months to come but maybe in a different way than you would imagine. The real victory came in the few weeks before the competition.
Bros vs Pros 14: Part 1- Womans Deadlift Plus Kevin English, Seth Feroce
Bros vs Pros 14: Part 2 Mens Deadlift
Bros vs Pros 14 After Party at the Crazy Diamond Gentleman's Club!
Directed,Edited by Johnny Styles.
Bros V Pros is proud to announce a new partnership with Proloc Collars. At several of our events, I had issues with worn out, tired and simply ineffective bar containment devices not holding plates in place, especially in the deadlift. Proloc has developed a product that will solve that problem to ensure a fair and firm engagement at all of our events!
Proloc Collars are a new and innovative way for weight lifters to secure weights to Olympic bars. The design allows a strong “lock” for attached equipment, and also assures the weights remain secure during any workout. Our standard color is Black but they are also available in several other colors. Visit our website to see if we have the colors to suit your needs.
Teaser Trailer for the Bros vs Pros 14 MEGA EVENT to be held at Golds Gym Deer Park, NY on February 16 2013!!! Be There!!!
It may seem difficult to top the Bros vs Pros 13 John Kemper Memorial that took place in December at Diamond Gym, but as marijuana-smoking SUBWAY sandwich pitchman (and Olympic Gold Medal record holder) Michael Phelps said: “I won't predict anything historical; but nothing is impossible.” As we approach a fourth year of Bros vs Pros competitions, it seems fitting to head back to where it all began; New York, baby!
Osta-Gain presents Iron Mag Labs Bros vs Pros 14 will take place at Deer Park Gold’s Gym in Edgewood, New York inn Central Long Island.
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