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Osta-Gain's Bros vs Pros 12: Double Trouble!



Ed and Betty Pariso, the Juggernaut Duo behind the biggest traveling fitness based expo in the country has added another stop to their repertoire. The Europa Get Fit and Sports Expo hits Phoenix on October 20th 2012. Among the events will be MMA, Jui Jitzu, Tae Kwon Do, Watch the Pro’s Train, Arm Wrestling, Grappling and More! However, when Ed Pariso gave Dave Palumbo a call asking if he would put on a Bros vs Pros event on at the Expo, Dave called me and said “…let’s make this happen”!

The committee that oversees the production of Bros vs Pros talked the events over and our Pro was one person who came to mind immediately. We instantly agreed with the one person insane enough to pull off such a huge feat of max repping Squats and Deads in the same day. I had previously contacted several big-name pros, but every one of them said: Hell No! Now that it is official, he will weigh in at around 180lbs just weeks after the Olympia. My man, Mr. Four Foot Nuthin’: IFBB Pro 212 Bodybuilder, Mr. Derik “The Freak” Farnsworth!

The Osta-Gain Bros vs Pros 12: Double Trouble - will see an expansion of events that only the truly hardcore and monstrously delirious fitness, bodybuilding or strength athlete would consider. $3,500 in cash and prizes are up for grabs in 5 brutal events. The Men will face off in two heart pounding and gut wrenching events to find an overall winner. First, they will slide under the bar of 315lbs, step back and squat ‘til you drop. There’s nothing but max reps here baby. Then after a well deserved but not quite long enough respite, anyone with enough gas in the tank will step up on the deadlifting platform, grasp the 315lbs on the bar and stand, drop, repeat until you can’t go no mo’! The overall winner will take home $2,000 from Ed and Betty Pariso, Quest Protein Bars and Metroflex Gym Glendale.

Now ladies, you know well enough that we never leave you girls out. Some of the biggest and most entertaining battles we have seen in the history of BvP have been with the XX gene. The events will be the same as the men this time BUT, the weight you lift is based on bodyweight! Big and strong can sometimes be an advantage, other times, not so much. I expect to see some big names form the fitness industry to be competing again and I have spoken to a few strongwomen competitors who guffawed at the mere thought of bodyweight for reps. Calling all bikini girls, here is your chance to show the big girls you know how to train too. Squats and deads for bodyweight? Pawleese! A cool $1,000 is on the line from Met-Rx and Osta-Gain Peptides.

There is one last event that is open to anyone in the venue that day. $500 is on the line from Prescription Nutrition for the biggest, baddest deadlift of the day. Essentially whatever it takes for you to get the weight to a full and upright position… it’s legal. Derek Poundstone showed us how it was done in Waterbury earlier this summer when he hitched and tugged a massive 850lb deadlift to a throng of screaming fans. Bring your straps and belts; leave your deadlifting suits at home!

The Osta-Gain Bros vs Pros 12: Double Trouble will certainly be full of excitement and will send a few lucky people home just a bit richer for their efforts. Where can you find RxMuscle and the Bros vs Pros event?  According to Ed Pariso, the Man behind the Europa Get Fit Sports Expo: “right as you walk into the venue!” That’s right; every single person who enters the facility will walk right by our event! Talk about a prime placement for sponsors!

Stay tuned right here to the only place where you will find Bros vs Pros 12 information: RXMuscle.com!

Are you an athlete with a question or a company who wants to find out more on how to get involved?  Contact: bryanhildebrand@gmail.com



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