THE TRAINING ROOM (Training Tips & Programs)

Straps or No Straps?

A strapsquestion I get asked quite often is whether to use lifting straps or not. Depending on your goals the answer will be different. So let's look at two separate goals someone might have in the gym. The first individual's goal is to build as much strength a possible in all aspects of his training. You could even call this individual a power lifter.

The advantage of using straps for this individual is that he will be able to grip the weight better and lift more weight...


Pecs of Perfection

HaveMP2013RegieSimmonsPecs you ever heard someone say that their pecs were too big? Of course not! I don’t think those words have ever been uttered aloud by anyone in the history of weight training. Everyone who is anyone desires a nicely developed chest, right?

If you tell anyone that you train, what is the first question that they typically ask you? You guessed it, “How much do you bench?” This is an age old question that will probably be asked for the rest of time. I have another question for you. What piece of equipment comes standard in most home gym systems? A bench, of course.


Calving Out The Difference – Part 2

InCalves part 2 last month’s article I discussed the often forgotten anterior calf muscles and the way they can be trained in order to enhance your overall calf development.  This month I am going to take a look at the posterior calf muscles, how to isolate them and then will show you an example calf workout that will help you maximize growth potential for this most stubborn of body parts!



ResearchFully Loop Shoot 2011 11 shows that interval training, or alternating short bursts of energy with brief resting periods, can improve muscle and build endurance more quickly than traditional exercise.

Sprint. Run as fast and as far as you can for 20 seconds, then slow to a walk until you catch your breath. Repeat for 10 minutes. 

Set a treadmill, elliptical or stationary bike for interval training. Most modern exercise equipment can be set to an interval training mode, which significantly increases the difficulty of the exercise for short periods of time. 

Take quick walks. Fit some exercise into your work day and take 5-minute power walks. Take long strides and keep a brisk pace, or try going up and down stairs.


Are You Just Lifting Weights or Training Your Physique?

Wheneverweight-lifting I’m asked the question, “Do you lifts weights?” I will usually answer with “Well, sort of.” While it is true that weights are the primary tools used in my workout program, I don’t just “Lift things up and put them down!” Rather I am interested in using resistance for the purpose of stimulating my muscles.

Unfortunately, it seems that too often people go to the gym with the goal of improving their physique but what they really end up doing is carelessly pushing weights around. They seem to have no connection at all to the muscle contractions involved in the exercises they are performing. However, for me, training is all about the mind-muscle connection. 


The Truth Behind Overtraining

Working 428054 10201365208440088 613996215 nas a trainer for 13 years, I’ve heard the word “overtraining” thrown around a lot. Your average gym-goer can be fearful of “overdoing it” as they are afraid of overtraining and thus making their hard work counterproductive. 

Yet is it possible to overtrain? And if so how does one do it and what exactly does it mean? Consequently, is “overtraining” a myth or not? Overtraining by definition is training so hard that it exceeds your capacity to recover. So, how do you avoid this and where do you get the most “bang for your buck”?


SIMPLE TIPS FOR BURNING BELLY FAT:Part One: Jump-starting Your Metabolism

AIMspiral staircase TO TAKE 10,000 STEPS A DAY

In one study, where men reduced their daily steps from about 10,000 to less than 1,500 (without changing their diet), their visceral (belly) fat increased by 7% after just 2 weeks.

Get a pedometer and try to increase the number of daily steps you take.

Take stairs instead of elevators; walk instead of driving.

Stand up and walk for 30 steps every 30 minutes. If you have a sedentary job, consider getting a treadmill desk...


Calving Out The Difference

OneCalves of the major differences between a physique athlete and a recreational gym user is the attention to detail.  One metaphor I often hear is that we are like sculptors working on a piece of art.  Like any masterpiece it is important to pay attention to the details.  No painting or sculpture of any note would be held in high esteem without remarkable attention applied to the finest brush stokes or the use of tools as thin as a needle to carve out the final details with immense precision.  

Completing 3 sets of seated or standing calf raises at the end of a brutal leg or back session may suffice for most, but to really stand out on stage, the physique athlete needs a little more.  Great calves will show clear separation between the medial and lateral heads of the gastrocnemius and a clear V-shaped soleus but what’s more, you will also see details and cuts on the calves even when viewed from the front!


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