When was the last time you had a bicep workout that you knew was going to give you a crazy pump and leave you sore for days? Hopefully not too long ago, but if it’s been a while the wait is over. This workout is designed to work your biceps from many angles while still going heavy at times. Here are a couple tips to maximize your workout.
By a show of hands how many of you think that it’s necessary to perform 2-3 hours of cardio per day to get lean? Don’t be afraid. There is no incorrect answer. Well, not really but let’s pretend that there isn’t a single correct answer.
So, what do you think?
Is that your final answer?
Pop quiz for all of you guys who are trying to build muscle out there...
Who is most likely to have a result of more muscular hypertrophy
(increase in muscle size) from the 2 options below?
A: Bench Press - 10 reps at 100 lbs for 4 seconds negative 1 second
positive and 0 transition time 4/1/0
B: Bench Press - 15 reps at 111 lbs for 2 second negative 1 second
positive and 0 transition time 2/1/0
Men’s Physique competitors are really a hybrid between a Bodybuilder and more “traditional” athlete. One of the things that distinguishes all great athletes who perform with their feet on the ground (as opposed to an athlete such as a cyclist who creates movement from a fixed position) is the ability to move in multiple planes of motion.
When we are all training constantly and pushing our body to its limit, it becomes important to apply some outside healing techniques. There are specific people that may hold the key to helping you recover more quickly. Here are a few of the people that I have found particularly helpul.
I hope everyone had an incredible February! I thought I would do something completely different this month and think outside the box for a workout for you. I’m always seeing these great workouts that people down south get to do in the winter while in Michigan I am stuck going to the gym to get my exercise in. So I must apologize in advance to everyone who doesn’t get snow, this workout is not for you. The workout I have for you is completely different than anything you have ever seen published in any exercise journal or RX article, I can guarantee that!
We’ve all had friends from the gym that have too high of a percentage of body fat for their health. They use the excuse that they are in a “bulking” phase. I’ve seen some guys put on 50 lbs in one off season. But, is this necessary to maximize lean mass gains? Working as a trainer for 13 years I’ve heard 1,000’s of times “in order to grow you have to eat bro!” People go to the extreme to get in extra calories and are taking in Pop-Tarts for post workout and eating McDonalds for a quick calorie heavy meal. Let’s face it most people who are doing this are using “bulking” as an excuse to eat whatever they want and aren’t concerned with two things, first their overall health in terms of saturated fat intake and cholesterol levels and second their net gains.
Just because you can't see your back in the mirror doesn't mean you shouldn't train it. A good back will give your physique a wide and powerful look, and it will also give you the illusion of having a smaller waist. How do you build a strong V shaped back? Read on as I detail my top three back exercises that will hit your lats, middle and lower back...
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