This is the second ‘anatomy of a workout’ article. This specific workout was developed as part of the same training phase as the first article, so it works synergistically with it (and the article/workout to follow). As with the first article it is based on techniques I’ve discussed previously here on Rx Muscle. This workout utilizes Straight Sets, Supersets, and Tri-circuits.
The workout: Like the first workout, please view this workout as a ‘template.’ Therefore feel free to substitute different exercises depending on what you want to prioritize (ex. Squats, Hack Squats, Split Squats etc. in place of the Leg Press, and a Standing or Seated Calf Raise in place of the Calf press). I have left the chart blank so you can print it out and write in your specific loading and repetitions.
People tend to place a great deal of importance on the aesthetics of a chiseled midsection, but don’t realize how much it impacts (or is impacted) by everything you do. Many movements in the gym, such as squats or overhead presses, provide a challenge for your core, and would be improved by strengthening it.
Much like any other group of muscles, you must work your abs (upper, lower, and obliques) from all angles to get results. As an additional challenge, many of the following exercises can be done with added weight in order to continue to challenge your core. However, I would be cautious when adding weight and truly focus on using proper form as opposed to moving heavy weight when it comes to abs.
This is the first of several ‘anatomy of a workout’ articles I will be presenting. It is based on techniques I’ve discussed previously here on Rx Muscle. I want to explain the ‘WHY’ of the program design because the structure and techniques are utilized for a specific purpose. The techniques incorporated are Straight Sets, Staggered Sets, and Supersets.
The workout: Please note that you can substitute different exercises depending on what you want to prioritize (ex. You may do Low Pulley Rows/Incline Chest Press for the Straight sets, or Reverse Grip Pulldown/ Incline Chest Press, etc.)...
Normally I prefer to work one body part per workout; however, I like to throw in some variety every now and then in order to continue to challenge myself. One of my favorite variations is to superset opposing muscle groups, particularly chest and back. Here is a typical chest/back routine that I like to do as I get closer to hitting the stage, or if I feel that I need to throw in a little variety...
If you are going hard in the gym, you will inevitably suffer from delayed-onset muscle soreness or DOMS. While you might not recognize the clinical name, you may recognize how this condition can affect your life. Consider the following examples:
· Do you struggle to sit or stand from a seated position, following a leg workout?
· Do you find it challenging to reach for a bowl in the upper cabinet after training arms?
· Is your toddler suddenly 30 pounds heavier after a tough back workout?
The IFBB and NPC contest seasons are spooling up for the 2014 season. Many of you are ready to hit the stage hard and are in full contest prep. I understand this completely and am fully aware of where your head is at the moment. What I want to caution you about, before it’s too late, is the post-contest letdown and consequential common contest rebound. Many people think that holidays are the culprit responsible for weight gain. The holiday season can be a part of the typical end of the competition season but keep your eyes open mid-season as well. We can suffer from rebound at any time of the year if we don’t keep our eating habits in check and adjust our training styles immediately post contest.
As you have probably been aware, the Men's Physique division is exploding. In the past if you were competing, chances are you were a competitive bodybuilder. Nowadays there are many more NPC competitors around, largely due to the addition of the Men's Physique category which allows for a more natural looking, seemingly more attainable body.
One of the best things to keep in mind in training for physique is to aim for that V-Taper look. A tiny waist and wide shoulders give this almost cartoonish illusion. Getting that waist to shrink is going to take some work in the kitchen, but I have designed a few workouts for building on other key areas.
For me, my goal is to bring up my upper chest, lats, and create the biggest shoulders possible. I'll share one workout with you guys now.
Every now and then I believe that you need to change up your workouts in order to prevent plateauing. Normally I stick to a rep range of 8-12 reps per set, but for this shoulder workout I lowered the weight so that I could do 20 reps for each set.
All exercises were done with five sets of 20 reps.
Side laterals (dumbbell) – This can be done seated or standing, but I prefer to stand. Start with a pair of dumbbells at your side. You will then raise your arms straight out to your side and hold for a count. Once I get to the top of the movement, I like to turn the dumbbells so that my elbows are facing up and my palms are to the rear. Return to the starting motion and repeat...
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