The Journey


 It'sDSC 1487 TCOZTTCMZB a sunny and crisp day in early June and I'm on a train headed to NYC for a long overdue meeting with Mike Lyons of Silver Model Management.  Last year after competing in the IFBB North American Championships, which was my second time competing at a national level show, Mike had asked me to come down to meet with him and the Silver Team. I had submitted some photographs through Silver's website and was fortunate enough to catch the Creative Director's attention.  Unfortunately for me the timing was bad....my Wife was due at any time with our first child, Sophia, and I simply had too many responsibilities that needed my attention.  

Fast forward 7 months to May 5th, 2013:I'm in Boston, competing in the NPC Jay Cutler Classic and I manage to win my class and then proceed to claim the Physique Overall title. I had strategically chosen this show to re-qualify for the national level shows but more importantly, to reacquaint the panel of national judges with my face and name, more specifically Steve Weinberger, head judge and chairman of the NPC Northeast, NY and NJ.  Steve is the head judge for the NPC Team Universe and is also the head judge for the Cutler show.  Ultimately Steve will be the guy who will determine if I become an IFBB Physique Pro when I compete for the second time at the Team U this coming 4th of July weekend in Teaneck, NJ.  I wanted to make a good impression by placing well at the Cutler and hoped that Steve would recognize me and my name when I stepped on stage in NJ.  Winning my class and the overall at the Cutler assured I had accomplished that goal.  I made it a point to personally thank Steve and tell him I would see him down in NJ at the Team U after wrapping up the Overall Winner's photos at the Cutler. Steve smiled and said "I look forward to seeing you there!" 

Back to present day: I'm on the train as I type this, making my way to NYC. I'm meeting with Mike at Silver HQ at 11:30 and I hope to join the Silver Team as one of their fitness models. This past weekend I competed at my second strategically chosen competition, the NPC Rhode Island Championships where I won my class.  I chose the show because extra stage and face time is always good especially with a panel of national NPC judges.  The opportunities to network and market myself as well as my newly created Physique Team, Ripped 2 Shreds, is also a huge bonus. This show was the very first show I competed in when I began competing in the NPC in 2011.  I placed 5th out of 5 competitors and had my eyes opened up to the level of conditioning and the level of commitment, hard work and sacrifice that is required to stand on stage and be competitive in the NPC. I had come a long way since then.  What had originally begun as a goal to get on stage just for fun and the ability to say I had competed, has now grown into a dream of becoming an IFBB Physique Pro.  This is my Journey.  I hope you all will follow along on my road to becoming an IFBB Physique Pro.   I will share all the challenges, victories, defeats, life lessons and anecdotes along the way.  Until next time...Carpe Diem Baby!


*David Lees is a national NPC Physique competitor, CPT, Husband, Father and Entrepreneur seeking sponsorship, modeling and other fitness related opportunities on his journey to becoming an IFBB Physique Pro. You can follow along on his journey at:

FB www.facebook.com/DavidLees/MPD

Instagram & Twitter @NPCDAVIDLEESMPD

YouTube www.youtube.com/user/ZerosigFF 


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