THE LAB (Supplement School)

“5 Great Supplements to Burn Fat with No Jitters!”


CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid)CLA
Looking for support to aid in lean muscle development? Then look no further. CLA uses stored body fat as fuel and promotes recovery from intense exercise. With added Immune system health, Anti-catabolic (anti-muscle-breakdown) and Anti-oxidant benefits, there really is no reason not to add a little CLA to your stack.

The actual serving sizes will vary for CLA depending on the product you purchase. But you'll see the best-intended results by taking anywhere between 600 and 1000 mg per day. Be sure to read the package directions for the particular product you pick up and follow them accordingly.


Caffeine for Enhanced Performance?

Manycoffee of us have heard for a long time that caffeine may be able to help us perform better. Studies in fact prove that caffeine before a workout or an endurance activity will enhance performance. It has been theorized that Caffeine increases fat metabolism.  The result is in an increase the number of fatty acids circulating in the bloodstream enabling people to run, swim, or bike longer.  The body can absorb and burn that fat for fuel and save the body’s limited stores of carbohydrates until later in the workout.


Proteins are NOT All Created Equal



Mostwhite-eggs active people believe that they need A LOT of protein to grow and recover from workouts. First I have to say don't forget that Carbohydrates are also essential for recovery. That being said, let's get back to the topic at hand...Protein.  What kind of protein we need?  To tackle that question we must first look into what Protein is actually supplying to our bodies.  Protein is supplying the much needed Amino Acids for growth and recovery.


To Cheat or Not To Cheat

                    Let’s face it performance enhancing drugsSyringe 2 are intertwined in every sport.   So why does it have such a bad rap sheet.  Well I tried researching how many deaths a year account for steroids and you can’t find the figure.  You can find deaths related to heart failure and other symptoms that may have been triggered by abusing steroids but there are no clear cut answers.  I also came across the fact that 400,000 people die a year from smoking. I believe the public’s priorities are bit deranged, but that’s what you get when they are the ones abusing the wrong legal over the counter drug...



Cycle Fat-Burners For Maximum Fat Loss

Is your pre-workout drink or fat-burner 368-0251not having the same kick that it used to? I get asked all the time what fat burners and pre-workout I use. People are usually surprised to find that I not only take ¼ to ½ of the recommended dosage, but that I use several different products and cycle their usage.

Just like your body will get accustomed to the same workouts, your body will get accustomed to the same supplements, especially when they are of the stimulant variety.



Supplements: what-where-when and why????

I have always been a major believer in BCAA powdersupplementation for athletes. I wanted to take the time to share my thoughts and experiences with different supplements as far as what works for me and when I use them and why.


Basic supplements “now a days” are protein, creatine, and some sort of pre-workout concoction. I will walk you through my standard day of what and when I take supplements and why...



Which Supplements to take and their importance:

scifit10-11-10With all the supplements on the market how do you choose which ones are the best to take? And how important are supplements? These are the questions I get all the time from my clients. The first thing I tell people is food is numero uno!! Eating a balanced diet will provide you with many nutrients and will do more for you then all the supplements in the world. You can't out train a bad diet and you surely can't replace food with supplements, that's why they are called supplements. Now that I have that out of the way which supplements are important and how important are they?

Let's start with which supplements. These are the basic supplements that I take no matter what...


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