Cycle Fat-Burners For Maximum Fat Loss

Is your pre-workout drink or fat-burner 368-0251not having the same kick that it used to? I get asked all the time what fat burners and pre-workout I use. People are usually surprised to find that I not only take ¼ to ½ of the recommended dosage, but that I use several different products and cycle their usage.


Just like your body will get accustomed to the same workouts, your body will get accustomed to the same supplements, especially when they are of the stimulant variety.

We have all tried the latest and greatest fat burners and pre-workout drinks looking for that extra boost. The thing is, usually after a week or two, they don’t seem to be as effective. Fear not, there IS a solution.

There are two ways to cycle these supplements that I have found to be very effective. Sure, the supplements will be ‘similar’, but they will all have different makeups, and these differences will keep your body guessing.

The first thing you can do is take one product for 1 week (2 weeks max) then switch to another product. Do this with 3-6 products before you come back around to the first product. It is also recommended to not take these types of products everyday. Use them to power your workouts, do not get to the point where you ‘need’ them to get through your day.

The other way you can cycle fat-burners and pre-workout supplements is by changing them every day or so. That way your body will never know what it is going to get. Some products have more caffeine, or other ingredients like ephedra, that will not be present than others.

This way might seem more expensive up front, but it evens out in the long run. Not to mention you will have friends that will try a product and not like the flavor/taste/how it makes them feel/etc. and pass it along to you.

So, if you are in that rut where your pre-workout or fat burners aren’t giving you the ‘kick’ they used to, then I suggest you take break from the product for a few days, then start mixing it up.

Get samples from supplement shops, or I have never had a problem sharing (and receiving) a scoop of powder or 2 to 4 pills with fellow fitness, workout, or gym friends. The more you share with others, the more they will share with you.

I currently have about 5-6 fat burners and 4 pre-workout drinks in my arsenal at any given time. Give it a shot, I think you will find the change refreshing and I know your body will like getting that energy rush again before workouts.

Brooks Hollan


[email protected]


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