Tim Gardner’s Pro Bodybuilding Weekly Championships in Tampa, Florida was like all past incarnations of this show: a tremendous success. And just like most shows I attend, interesting events occurred: rumors were created, people hooked up with other people, and the shit was stirred! In this column I’d like to tell you all, my dear readers, about one such episode. It all began when I ran into George Farah in the public restroom!
During the NPC portion of the night show that preceded the IFBB portion, my bladder urgently insisted on my finding a bathroom. When I entered, I saw none other than “The Pro Maker,” George Farah. Now George is generally a welcome sight at shows, but walking into the restroom to find him loitering aimlessly was slightly unsettling. I said, “Hey George! Whatcha doing hanging out in here?” and he responded not by answering my question but by turning toward the stalls and saying, “Marius, Aaron Singerman in here. Dave Palumbo guy. Be careful what you say!” In case you didn’t follow the results from last weekend’s show, Marius Dohne, George’s South African client, won the show, and
was now receiving George’s warning. Marius didn’t make a sound (with his mouth anyway) in response to George’s admonition. The entire exchange mystified me, though, as I didn’t know what Marius could possibly say about Dave or myself. I asked George what was up and he said simply, “Marius, he hate Dave.” When I asked what Dave had done to earn Marius’ hate, George told me, “Dave ruin him. He fuck him up.” I knew that Dave had helped Marius turn pro then worked with him in preparation for last year’s NY Pro, and although Marius didn’t do that well (9th place), I didn’t know that bad blood existed. I knew Dave liked Marius very much and had only positive things to say about him. I questioned “The Pro Maker” further, and he explained “Marius have diarrhea bad. Dave, he wasn’t there for Marius. He no help him.” I wasn’t aware of any of this, so I just told George that Marius sure looked great now, and I congratulated both of them as they would certainly win the show. Marius never acknowledged or disputed anything George told me. He just handled his business in the stall.
As soon as I left the bathroom, I made B-line for Dave to tell him what was said. After I related the men’s room encounter, Dave seemed stunned. He also had thought that everything between Marius and himself was good. At first Dave thought that perhaps George was making the whole thing up, but I countered that Marius never moved to correct George’s testimony…He just shat there, err sat there. For those of you that don’t know Dave, he generally isn’t a very confrontational person. I would even go so far as to say he’s just the opposite: he avoids confrontation. The only time he gets incensed enough to seek it out is when his reputation, credibility, or honesty is called into question. As soon as he saw Marius backstage he approached him. Marius basically told Dave that there was no problem between them. This caused Dave to immediately seek out George.
Dave asked him, “Why are you telling people that Marius hates me? I just went up and asked him if he and I had a problem, and he acted like he had no idea what I was talking about.”
George said, “I only tell Aaron that. I tell him because Marius tell me.” Dave then took George with him to talk to Marius. This time Marius’ story changed slightly. He said, “I don't hold any grudges.” Dave then replied, “What would you be holding a grudge for? I helped you for free for two years, helped you turn pro, and gave you tons of exposure on Rx Muscle. What could you possibly be upset about?” Marius then explained to Dave thatwhen he was having diarrhea before the 2010 NY Pro he felt Dave should have been there with him, not just talking to him by phone. I guess not having Dave there to oversee gave Marius serious shpilkes (Yiddish for nerves). Dave explained to Marius that he was 45 miles away from him at the time and had Marius communicated better, at the time, he would have been there in person. It all ended with a handshake between Dave and Marius; no hard feelings on either end.
I hope that after this whole exchange, Marius and Dave are back to being cordial. Hopefully, Marius no longer “hate Dave.”
Also, I want to say that I personally like George Farah. He’s an easy target and always provides me with great content, but I get along with him and look forward to seeing him at every show. He is still truly passionate about bodybuilding, and his love for the sport makes him likeable. Plus, after I wrote the first column that included some comments about George’s lack of fashion sense (http://www.rxmuscle.com/articles/muscle-gossip/1606-muscle-gossip-with-the-yuckmouth-yenta.html), his clothing choices have certainly improved—he reminds me of this every time I see him!
Tricky’s Got Talent!
In my last gossip column (http://www.rxmuscle.com/articles/muscle-gossip/3516-muscle-gossip-25-trickys-got-talent.html) I wrote about Ricky “Tricky” Jackson appearing on America’s Got Talent. Wednesday night Tricky was on the show and successfully passed round one. He will be going on to Las Vegas to see if he can make the cut for round three in Hollywood. If Tricky does make it to round three, it’ll be LIVE and he’ll need your votes! If you didn’t catch Tricky’s performance, here is what you missed:
Tricky comes on at 55 seconds in:
Edited by Wiry Pyruvity!
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