If you are a bodybuilding fan, you already know the name Ricky “Tricky” Jackson. He’s won nine national titles, making him the most successful amateur NPC bodybuilder. With the advent of the 202 division he found his home and has placed in the top 3 at eight separate 202 shows, winning two. All those accomplishments aside, when I think Tricky Jackson, I think entertainer. Tricky has won multiple best poser awards, and is in high demand to guest pose at contests around the country. There is no doubt, Ricky “Tricky” Jackson has talent. But does he have enough talent to win America’s Got Talent, the popular NBC TV show? That question is about to be answered. In April, Tricky came on ACCESS BODYBUILDING to tell the listeners and I that he had recently been in Atlanta trying out for America’s Got Talent. I asked him how they found him and he said, “I was actually contacted by one of the casting directors that had seen one of my posing routines on the internet. He contacted me and said I ‘would be a perfect fit for the show’, and I said, ‘absolutely’, so they got me out here to Atlanta.” He later explained that he wouldn’t know the outcome until after the show. Tricky told me that he couldn’t be sure if people would actually get to see his tryout on the TV show unless he made it.
Here we are more than two months later and I received this text message from Tricky today: “Check the America’s Got Talent main page!”
Right there on the front page is a picture of Ricky “Tricky” Jackson, and if you click the picture you can even see a short preview of episode 5, which airs Tuesday, June 28th at 8/7C and Wednesday, June 29th at 9/8C! If you watch the preview you see a few seconds of Tricky and his pecs bouncing! LOL
I don’t know about you, but Tuesday night I’ll be checking out America’s Got Talent (for the first time), and rooting on my boy! Go get em, Trick Diesel!
Ricky "Tricky" Jackson is sponsored by MHP.
If you have any news, gossip, comments, feedback, or would like to advertise on RxMuscle email me at [email protected]!
This article was edited by Curt James.
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