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BOOTY GAINS FOR YARI ! Muscle In The Morning March 24, 2016


Jennifer Dawn Back in Action,  Ryan Terry Putting In Work, Yarishna Ayala Heating Things Up, Vera Mallet Showing Improvements, Branch Training Triceps

Host Dave Palumbo gives you the latest scoop on all the news and gossip from the fitness and bodybuilding world.  Start your day right and wake up with Muscle in the Morning!



Watch Muscle in the Morning presented by IronMagLabs

WARD GETS READY! Muscle In The Morning March 23, 2016


Big Jon Ward 18 Weeks Out, De Asha 8 Weeks Out, Mitchell Staats Guest Posing, Juan Diesel Looking Jacked, Anth Bailes Training Back

Host Dave Palumbo gives you the latest scoop on all the news and gossip from the fitness and bodybuilding world.  Start your day right and wake up with Muscle in the Morning!



Watch Muscle in the Morning presented by IronMagLabs

OROZCO LOOKING SHARP! Muscle In The Morning March 22, 2016


Atlantic USA Women’s Pro Physique Recap, Tonya Hooker 3 Weeks Out, Lorenzo Orozco Looking Sharp, Kira Back in Action, Bryant Hernandez Looking Sharp

Host Dave Palumbo gives you the latest scoop on all the news and gossip from the fitness and bodybuilding world.  Start your day right and wake up with Muscle in the Morning!



Watch Muscle in the Morning presented by IronMagLabs

AUSSIE RECAP! Muscle In The Morning March 21, 2016


Arnold Classic Recap, Daveon Hill Heading to Junior USA’s, Kevin Ofurum 2.5 Weeks Out, Charles Griffen Prepping for the Pro’s, Angie Marie Dialing It In

Host Dave Palumbo gives you the latest scoop on all the news and gossip from the fitness and bodybuilding world.  Start your day right and wake up with Muscle in the Morning!



Watch Muscle in the Morning presented by IronMagLabs

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