Joel Thomas Putting in Work, Martinez Hagans 13 Weeks Out, Thomas Lenihan 6 Weeks Out, Champagnie Looking Sharp, Cassandra Carpenter Looking Sharp
Host Dave Palumbo gives you the latest scoop on all the news and gossip from the fitness and bodybuilding world. Start your day right and wake up with Muscle in the Morning!
Star Blaylock In The Gym, Mark Anthony Looking Sharp, Brad Rowe Training Legs, Nat Rochner Putting In Work, Christina Woodward Dialing It In
Host Dave Palumbo gives you the latest scoop on all the news and gossip from the fitness and bodybuilding world. Start your day right and wake up with Muscle in the Morning!
Hanna Hallman Looking Sharp, Staats Back To Work, Camala Training Legs, Dominic Cardone Six Weeks Out, Karina In Prep Mode
Host Dave Palumbo gives you the latest scoop on all the news and gossip from the fitness and bodybuilding world. Start your day right and wake up with Muscle in the Morning!
Megan Olson Three Weeks Ou, Carly Thornton In Prep Mode, Correa Back in Action, Flex Lewis Training Shoulders, Hide Guest Posing At 230
Host Dave Palumbo gives you the latest scoop on all the news and gossip from the fitness and bodybuilding world. Start your day right and wake up with Muscle in the Morning!