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Iron Debate 4: Rich Piana UNCENSORED! Plus Live Q&A!

Iron Debate 3: Rich Piana UNCENSORED! Plus Live Q&A!

Mr 5% - Rich Piana - will be LIVE on RXMuscle.com tonight as the special guest on Iron Debate.

The details :

Iron Debate
When : 6:45 pm (EST)
Where : RXMuscle.com
What : Rich Piana vs. Chris Aceto, Dave Palumbo with the final word.


* Two competitors with the same workout regimen. One eats only McDonald's for two years. One eats only supplements for two years. Who gets better results ?

* Will bodybuilding become - even more - mainstream ?

* Would a no-holds-barred death cage fight between Rich Piana, CT Fletcher, and Kali Musle out-draw the Mr. Olympia competition ?

* Are steroids as dangerous as recreational drugs ?


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