Iranian Para Olympic Athlete Benches 663.5 RAW!



There are athletes and then there are ATHLETES. Some are people who talk the talk and may look the part and then there are the people who's time and dedication dictate who they are as a person. To claim the latter and to do it with a physical disability, takes guts and brutal determination. 24 year old Iranian Super Heavyweight Bench Press Champion Rahmad Siamand has his eyes set on the hitting what was thought impossible; a 400kg Bench.

"I've lifted 310kg many times before, and even here in London in training," he said. "I wanted to do more than 301kg, but they would not let me have a fourth attempt." "I have an agenda reaching records above 350kg and I intend to set the historic record of 400 kg," he said.

A new 50kg weight disc has been designed specifically for the Games in London, particularly with Rahman in mind.
Jon Amos, chairman of Sport and Technical Committee for IPC Powerlifting, said: "We have introduced them for the bigger players because, otherwise, the bar is not going to be safe (the weights would be too wide for the spotters)."


Born without the use of his legs, Rahman is challenging the best able bodied benchers in the world with his lifts. At 24 years old, this kid is one to watch. This begs to ask the question; What the fuck is your excuse!



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