After Hours Radio (06-17-11): Jimmy "THE ANGRY BULL" Pellechia calls out VINNIE THE CHIN!


Jimmy The Bull wants Vinnie the Chin's head!

Dave Palumbo gives a very brief rundown of what happened to Magnus The Magnificent on the most recent Heavy Muscle TV Show. But Jimmy The Bull gets the full story about Magnus from Jeff The Producer. The result? A Very Angry Bull!

Dave Palumbo
plays a rap song written for RXMUSCLE, and asks the Whack Pack, as well as listeners, to come up with their own!

Pete The Intern shares a funny story about how he screwed up a recent body piercing, and Jeremy The Casting Director can't seem to nail down the Topless Maid to clean the studio!

{enclose AfterHours06-17-11.mp3}

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