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From Obesity & Depression To World Class Physique : Monique Cormier : RX Spotlight
From Obesity & Depression To World Class Physique : Monique Cormier : RX Spotlight

Monique Cormier, who has overcome obesity and severe depression en route to becoming a world class amateur bodybuilder, joins Dave  [ ... ]

Went PRO In Figure & Women's Physique in SAME SHOW! Ashley Soden Interview | RX Spotlight
Went PRO In Figure & Women's Physique in SAME SHOW! Ashley Soden Interview | RX Spotlight

Ashley Stoden, who won her IFBB Pro card in Figure AND Women's Physique at the Team Universe, joins Dave Palumbo on an all-new ep [ ... ]



Spotlight On NPC Bikini Competitor: Michelle Johnson

Spotlight On NPC Bikini Competitor: Michelle Johnson

Category you compete in:  In 2002-2005 I was a National304384 422695317786370 1752002165 n Fitness & Figure competitor. From 2011-2013 National Bikini Open & Masters
Date of birth: 2/25/68
Hometown: Bethesda, MD but grew up in Los Angeles, CA
Went to Beverly Hills High School
Career: Nationally recognized authority in transformation coach, writer & speaker. I’m also the coach of Team Knockouts, “we beat hot chicks” in bikini and figure. Overall, we have a rising bikini competition team that has already hit the pro level in less than 3 months last year!

How does your family respond to your competing? They are amazed at how far I have come, my family has a lot of weight and health issues. That could have been me! My mom came to her first show with me last year and loved it! She wants to come again. My husband was inspired so he did his first show in Men’s Physique. My daughter also now takes good care of herself and knows how to manage her weight while in college. She loves staying fit, as well.

What kind of goals have you set for yourself, short-term and long-term? I would love to finally get my pro card. When I did figure and fitness, believe it or not, I was not interested in a pro card, I thought the woman were too hard for my personal body type. I was not willing to go that far with my physique. Now I would love to achieve it as a Masters Bikini Competitor and if I do get a pro card, I am going for the Olympia! I also hope to do more speaking, writing and interviewing related to fitness and beauty. I am currently writing a book on my programs and developing my team. I spend a lot of time on Facebook promoting the competitors and their results. I’m well known for the transformations I do with my clients. They are amazing!

What's currently on your iPod?  This is very 80’s of me, but Madonna. I’ll be seeing Rhianna in concert with my daughter in April and I love high energy dance music. David Gueretta is hot so I have a lot of his stuff too on my Ipod! Anything with a strong beat. I’m a great dancer and I love to move. Listening to music makes me miss doing fitness and I just imagine myself flying around on stage, like old times. Sometimes I get the itch to do another routine. In 2011, I had one all set to go and I injured my knee. I wound up doing bikini by default, but look at how amazingly meant to be that all was. I placed 2nd at the IFBB Pro North American’s last year  and the team has blossomed since 2012!  My team won the entire Bikini Division of the new 2013 Baltimore Gladiator Championships, taking first in A,B, C Class, Masters and the Overall!!

What are your hobbies and interests outside of the bodybuilding world? I read and write a lot, I’m a nerd! I love to learn and I’m very intellectual. I study a lot and enjoy art history and history in general. I love spending quality time with my daughter. We do a lot of boutique shopping from boutique groceries stores to apparel. I also do a lot of traveling. I have been around the world. Most of my time thought is spent developing my next steps. I was caretaking for my grandparents in their mid 90’s, but I’m sad to say they recently passed away and I have lot of free time on my hands that I’m not used to having.

Do you have a favorite exercise? I love SEXY. Plie squats, kickbacks, romanian lunges, pull downs make your back oh so dam sexy!!! What’s fun is when I know people are watching! Which is fine, with me, just as long as they don’t approach me. I don’t like to be bothered when I am training :) I get into a meditative state and go into a zone when I train. I workout late at night a lot so I have more privacy and the whole gym to myself! I usually the last one out!

ComIMG 0600rr2edits-1petition history:
2002 Bodyrock – Figure
2003 Monica Brant Fitness Classic - Fitness
2003 NPC Nationals- Fitness
2004 Pittsburgh  – Figure

2004 Masters Nationals-Figure
2011 – NPC Maryland State & East Coast Classic– Bikini
2011 – Ohio Stage & Great Lakes – Bikini
2011 – Jenn Hendershott’s All Women’s Weekend – Bikini Open & Masters
2011 – NPC Nationals - Bikini
2012 – NPC Team Universe – Bikini Open & Masters
2012 – IFBB North Americans – Bikini Open & Masters

Next competition:
2013 Team Universe – Open, Masters & Masters Over 40

Favorite Fitness Tip: Eat 1 gram of protein per lb of bodyweight. Do not eat any form of sugar before your workouts or you will only burn sugar and not bodyfat!

Who would you like to thank? I would like to thank the amazing coaches I have worked with in the past. Mike Davies for the first 3 years I experienced as a competitor. He was hard core & taught me to toughen up mentally and physically. Kim Oddo who has been a great help to my hormones at this stage in my life with the balanced programs and workouts he offers. He helped me get my body back in order after major fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue flare ups. He helped me understand that being a competitor and coach has it’s challenges and that my body will suffer if I continue to burn the candle at both ends. I also want to thank the girls on Team Knockouts who have given me a chance to share my journey with them and take them to new heights. Mentoring and coaching is a very rewarding experience. Seeing these girls reach their goals is a real high! I love knowing I have come far enough with my own skill level that I can guide them to the top and it’s working! I have had amazing success in life since competing. It has opened many doors for me. I’m very grateful to the NPC/IFBB & it’s networks, for JM Manion for supporting my effort and giving me great tips and suggestions along the way and all those photos he takes of me at venues (per my request) lol – not camera shy! I am grateful for my family who loves & accepts me through thick and thin literally & understands the sense of purpose I feel doing this line of work and how shows help me stay focused.Everyday, I thank God I am now in better health. The six year hiatus I took off was a reality check and validated how important it is to manage your stress levels. I will never allow my body to get to that place again, unless I am in my 90’s and of course have no control over it!!!


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