Breaking News: RxMuscle Featured On TMZ!!!

I was shocked when I opened my email to find a message from the news director of TMZ, the huge media website, enquiring about an exclusive story on RxMuscle! This article is a feature by Matt Meinrod about how Stephanie McMahan (First Lady of the WWE) got into the best shape of her life after having her 3rd child using Dave Palumbo's diet, Species Nutrition Supplements, and Joe Defranco's functional athletic training principles.
TMZ gets millions of hits per day, so the significance is pretty obvious to what that means to RxMuscle. No other bodybuilding and fitness website has ever been featured on a site this big and in such a prominent fashion! 


Read the Full Article:  http://www.rxmuscle.com/articles/latest-news/8085-stephanie-mcmahon-wwe-s-full-time-bad-ass.html

TMZ's report:  http://www.tmz.com/2013/05/01/stephanie-mcmahon-mom-mother-muscles-photo-pics/


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