Mind Behind The Muscle: Meet Mens Physique Editor In Chief & Physique Star Radio Host: Ian Lauer


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    In the world of Men’s Physique very few stars shine as bright as Ian Lauer. RX Muscle’s Men’s Physique Editor-In-Chief is an industry leader who plays a key role in helping to push the budding sport of Men’s Physique to the next level. Whether he’s competing onstage, hosting Physique Star Radio, performing in a theatrical play, taking part in an
improv show, hosting a television show, or on a movie set, Ian is a true representation of what the fitness entertainment industry is all about.

Q.) Growing up you became involved with martial arts at an early age. What was it about martial arts that made you decide it was something that you wanted to pursue?
A.) I always loved watching old Kung Fu and Karate movies when I was a kid and wanted to be just like those guys. Role models like Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris are hard to beat when you're a 10 year old kid.

Q.) Other than your involvement in martial arts, did you play any other sports as a child?

A.) I played football from 2nd grade through college and I also played Semi-Pro as well. I was also a sprinter on the high school and college track teams. I was 1st Team All-Conference in both sports at the collegiate level.
Q.) Do you think any of the discipline that you learned from martial arts or other sports had a carryover effect to when you began training as a physique athlete?
 A.) Most definitely. Going from being number 113 on the football team to 1st Team All Conference was a direct result of determination and consistency. The martial arts was a solid part of building that foundation. I was never forced to compete, but I was taught a valuable lesson about competing by my father. I remember like it was yesterday, the day I decided to play football in the 2nd grade. When I told my dad his response was, "It's up to you if you want to play, but if you sign up to play you will play for the entire year." This has stuck and is a lesson I apply to all that I do today.
Q.) Do you think that being a 1st Team All-Conference athlete in two sports pre-conditioned your body to be able to withstand the necessary training of an IFBB pro?
A.) You better believe it. I have been strength training NATURALLY for over 20 years. When it comes to building muscle and being conditioned I have been blessed with A LOT of time to work at it.

Q.) When 375602 10150977806782971 1158775802 nwas your first physique competition? What made you decide that you wanted to step onstage?
A.) I competed in the 2010 Male Model Search at the Olympia first. My first time on the NPC stage was at the first ever Men's Physique contest in CA, Muscle Contest. As an actor and fitness personality I understand the value of exposure. Competing is a great way to gain that valuable exposure.
Q.) At what point did you decide you wanted to pursue becoming an IFBB pro?
A.) As soon as I learned of the division of course!
Q.) For all that you've achieved onstage, it seems that away from the stage you've been able to find even greater success. In addition to being an IFBB pro you're also a successful model, actor, and fitness personality. How have you been able to maintain balance and achieve success in so many different areas of your life?
A.) It all comes back to prioritization and alignment of goals. My motto is, "Making Fitness Mainstream." When you are directed by your overall goal and motto it becomes easier to achieve much more in all facets of your life.

Q.) Have you ever taken a step back to look at everything you've achieved thus far and say to yourself "Wow, I can't believe I’m actually living my dream."?
A.) On VERY rare occasion. I tend to have my eye on the next goal 99% of the time. This is usually a positive, but it is good on occasion to enjoy one's previous accomplishments and live in the moment and enjoy the previous successes.

Q.) How is it that you came to be Men's Physique Editor-In-Chief here at RX Muscle?
A.) Being a regular at Gold's Venice gave me the opportunity to meet Bill Comstock. He knew I wrote and was involved in the industry outside of the NPC/IFBB at the moment. I guess he felt it would be a good opportunity for me...he was right and I am eternally thankful to Bill!
Q.) What would you say is the best thing about being the host of Physique Star Radio?
A.) Having a voice to inspire and educate competitors and those in the industry is invaluable. I have the pleasure of interviewing many talented people at the top of the game and help them share their insight to our listeners. Furthermore, it's just plain fun :)

    Building anything requires a solid foundation. And while the Men’s Physique division may already have a solid foundation in place, it’s going to require innovative industry leaders like Ian to continue pushing the sport forward. By sharing his knowledge and insight, along with giving a voice to some of the brightest minds in the sport, Ian is equipping his listeners with the tools for success that have helped him achieve his dreams, so that they may achieve their own.




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