
RxMuscle 2013 New Years Party & Ms.Rx Muscle Pageant!

Watch it LIVE on December 31st at 11pm EST.  https://new.livestream.com/accounts/2538918/events/2645032

For more iinformation on entering the contest, contact Dave Palumbo - [email protected]


The Law of Opportunity

michael-jordan (3)The Law of Opportunity

If we were to look at the top athletes in the sport and single out a reason for why particular individuals have been able to outperform the rest of the field I believe that the general consensus would be genetics. We would conclude that the athletes at the head of the class happened to be blessed with the right set of parents that allowed them to hit the genetic lottery – that they are genetic outliers.


Team GAT's AB-Solutely Sexy Contest


Winter might be here, but Team GAT is turning up the heat with our all new AB-Solutely Sexy Contest!


Calling All Champions – Check Out MyOatmeal.com

myoatmeal-pic1Calling All Champions – Check Out MyOatmeal.com

Working for a few years as a writer and reporter in the fitness industry, I've learned a few important lessons. I've organized and promoted fitness seminars, conducted hundreds of interviews, and recorded dozens of various clips and features. In that time, it's become quite clear to me that everyone in this business – namely athletes – is starving for recognition from the judges and cash.


"Los Cinco - Tres Olimpias y Dos Amenazas"

JayCutler"Los Cinco - Tres Olimpias y Dos Amenazas"

El deporte del fisicoculturismo está viviendo uno de sus mejores momentos. Como aficionado, estámos presenciando algunos de los mejores eventos de todos los tiempos. En estos momentos, hay tres Mr. Olympias compitiendo activamente (2008 Mr. Olimpia Dexter Jackson, 3x campeón Phil Heath, y campeón 4x Jay Cutler). Aunque Jackson y Cutler son "cada vez mayores", ninguno de los dos se jubilará pronto. ¿Por qué habrían de hacerlo?! Ambos están haciendo muy bien económicamente, ganando nuevos fans y patrocinios entre más tiempo compiten. Phil Heath es el campeón joven, con excelente genética y un deseo de siempre lograr laexcelencia. Él, mejor que nadie, entiende que con el fin de contener a Cutler y Jackson, él siempre tiene que venir 100% al escenario.


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