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Christian Duque's Dallas Europa Prejudging Opinions


IronMagLabs presents coverage of the 2014 Europa Supershow

Warren Appears To Win; Toth & Beyeke Should Write A Book; Fouad Looks Awesome

1st - The Texas Rattlesnake Branch Warren won't be losing in front of his mom. He looks WAY tighter here than at the Pittsburgh Pro guest posing. He brought his signature grainy look (a throw back to the Dorian Yates era of bodybuilding).

The repeat Arnold-Classic-Most-Muscular-Award-winner seemed to be having a heart attack when he did the crab shot; his skin turned red, veins crept out of everywhere, about to pop as he gave every last drop of his being into leaving everyone around him in the DUST! Aceto marveled over his "zippered legs." A deserving winner or in a fair world runner-up.

2nd - Looks to me like Fouad Abiad from Team Menace will be getting the nod. He brought up his legs, nice side tricep, great detail in the quads, flat mid-section. Deserving of 2nd or 3rd place (and that's meant with all the kindness in my heart - I am VERY Impressed with him).

3rd - JOJ, like Warren, was a last minute entrant. He brings his powerlifter/deadlifting thick torso. From the back JOJ is like Ronnie Coleman or David Henry, but this isn't just a back show. He made significant improvements to his wheels, harder glutes, ripped hams. But back to his back, b/c it is JOJ, Dave said it best 'Johnny's got "hanging slabs of beef on his lates!!"' He's a freak and a good poser.

4th - Lionel Beyeke, wait... Lionel's not doing this show.... Or is he? Is this Rio? Bob? Daniel Toth appears to be relegated to 4th, when I (and seemingly Dave as well) believe he should be at 1st or second. Except for being a TAD (get it?.. nevermind, lol) thick in the waist (which no offense isn't Branch's forte either), Toth had it all. I had him WINNING the Side Chest & Back Double Biceps HANDILY. He's got an INSANE BACK, so impressive that it actually gives JOJ a run for his money. Also Toth was to be featured on Muscle in the Morning but submitted too late because of fb issues. I will DEFINITELY give him as much coverage as is heavenly possible. Had he stood next to Branch... I won't say it, but you know (he would've won the contest). To me, Daniel & Lionel should write a book, titled:  "GETTING SCREWED" (poor guys)

5th - An Nguyen - I knew you'd be here! Ever since I interviewed you way back when for StrengthAddicts, seeing all those shots of you in Golds with The Real Deal, I've seen you progress over this relatively short time. You're a freak, brother and you brought it!!! To make Top 5 in this kind of lineup is something you can relish for the rest of the year - hope to see you on the Olympia stage.

Oh wait, yeah... assessment, right! Didn't win any poses outright but I think tied with JOJ for the ab & thigh - and I believe both Dave & Chris agreed (check that to be sure). Dave thinks An needs more mass; I like his pecs/delts. His midsection & small waist distinguish him from both Warren & Toth, but make for a good comparison with JOJ & Fouad. An won't be winning today, but like both of our great co-hosts agreed - he has all the tools.

6th - It looks like Eddy Wilson will get 6th to me. Like many of the other guys I think his posing was great (when he was solo), but he did fade a bit in comparisons - again - nothing like Baito in the 212, but he did seem to lose momentum.

Size hurt Eddy, and more so than An, but he does have solid legs and very sharp abs. The chest is also there and he has a good level of depth.  While size was mentioned as a factor, I don't know that him gaining a ton of mass is necessarily going to help like it would An. I'm not really sure that Eddy's issue is a strucutural one, I just think that in this lineup he's the odd man out - the ole 'apples & oranges; scenario. Overall, I think Eddy should be very proud of what he brought today, I just wish he would've kept his look the from beginning to end.

From the Poses I saw, my vote:
Front Double - JOJ/Branch tie
Front Latspread - JOJ/Branch tie
Side Chest - Toth all day.
Back Double - Toth
Rear Latspread - Toth
Side Tricep - I actually liked An here, but the shot was a bit blurry.
Ab & Thigh - JOJ/An tie

***If you've realized I don't have Fouad winning any poses, then I must say you're quite astute b/c I don't. Still, he looks amazing. For me, it would be Toth, Warren, JOJ/Fouad, An, & Eddy. An Eddy's spot isn't by happenstance - he deserves to be in Top 6.

Honorable Mentions
Bill Willmore lost a lot of size, but he keeps competing and if anything he's a great poser.
Timmy Gaillard - good muscle size; with him I think it's more a drying out issue, he seems to have all the tools.

Vladimir Sizov - looking forward to his night show routine; wheels kinda small, nice back double, good poser.


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