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Europa - Dallas 212 Prejuding Report - Guy Leads, Jones Shocks!

europa-logo212 Prejuding Report - Guy Leads, Jones Shocks!
Duque's The Top 5 (Hope I'm not on Crack!)

(1st) Guy Cisternino took to the stage like the clear cut winner. He brought a bigger, thicker package than anyone on the stage. Both his front latspread and rear double biceps poses sealed his clear cut edge. Chris & Dave pointed something out that's pretty astounding - Guy turned Pro at around 176lbs as a Middleweight and today he's rockin the stage at well over 200+, that's just unreal. Cisternino looked so impressive the Rx co-host, The Technician just couldn't contain himself and screamed in support. At one point Chris urged Guy to hit a crab pose - another reason why this guy totally owned the show.

(2nd/3rd) Moba Edwards brought some sick conditioning to the stage, coupled with good posing and was one of the guys to make Cisternino work. I think he presented himself flawlessly during the first callouts - maybe he was saving the best for the end?

(2nd/3rd - 5th) Baito Abbaspour looked amazing alone - with rock hard pecs, delts + striated glutes, ripped hams, and even nailed a vacuum pose!! I personally think he was the BEST POSER - alone... I had him for a strong 2nd place, but at first call-out, the Team Menace prodigy just faded. It looked like he was disinterested - maybe he figured he had the 1st or 2nd place in the bag? It makes NO SENSE why this amazingly gifted poser, who brought no flaws would just fall asleep like that. Again, one more thing bout BAITO that I really want to say - HE CONTROLLED HIS MIDSECTION THE WHOLE FUCKING TIME (wait, can I curse on here? LOL). I hope he can get runner-up - I love Moba's look, but for me Baito should get the nod. I know our hosts think he might get as low as 5th, but I just can't come to grips with that.

(3rd) Lorenzo Jones did his homework and brought a loud cheering section to boot. I think he came in a little flat, but his size and symmetry made forget about that pretty quickly. He seemed to get better as time went on and he totally held his own during the callouts. Samuel L. Jackson, what? Very aggressive poser, been around for a long time - Cheers!

(5th-6th) Thomas Benagli - featured on Muscle In The Morning - "The Italian Stallion" looked very impressive!! Great overall package, thick back with a narrow waist. Good posing and a definite presence during the callouts. I think Benagli bests Matthews but he's between 5th & 6th in my book.

(5th-6th) Cory Matthews looked sharp, especially from the front. The posing was a bit out there, and our hosts and I agree that it may have hurt him. His back was a bit soft (given the lineup)

Honorable Mentions
Derik Farnsworth - INSANE QUAD SEPARATION!! SICK LEG DETAIL!!  I nearly died when I saw your SIDE TRICEPS pose - You're a BEAST!!
Although the lightest up there, if anyone deserved Top 5 - it's you, after he posed, I was saying Top 3. It looks like he won't be in this Top 5, but he MOST DEFINITELY brought it!

Guy Ducasse - may be the oldest of the competitors and really brought it; both Chris & Dave say this is probably the best he's been in his career. I was thoroughly impressed!!

Kevin Ofurum - lookin good brother!! Good side leg shot, very confident on stage, and great contraction on each pose. Quads were in good shape, hams/glutes could have been a little tighter.

Bleu Taylor - you deserve some water and/or salt. You're fuckin hardcore brother! Didn't give up!!

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