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Published on Friday, 25 May 2012 04:40
Written by Xavier Wills
The following information will be remembered thousands of years from now as the 6 commandments of bodybuilding! The information won’t help you look your best, or give you any tips on how to win a show, but it will save you thousands of dollars in counselling fees.
If you are thinking about getting ready for a comp, or you have a partner, loved one or friend getting ready for their first competition – read this – study this – print this out and stick it on your fridge! The following information will not only save your relationship, but your sanity!
Six things not to do to a bodybuilder while he/she is dieting for comp…
1. Do not ask them what they eat when dieting for a competition.
What the fuck do you think I eat? Chicken, Broccoli, Fish and Tuna! When do I eat it? Every day you moron! Then you ask me what I drink? Water. Then you ask me if there is anything else I eat………this is when I begin to repeatedly punch you in the teeth.
2. Do not ask them in their final 2 weeks of prep to write you out a diet because you want to look like they do at that present time.
Seriously? Do you really think it’s that friggen easy? Do you really think that the last 14 weeks of dieting was a friggen walk in the park? You think you can get into this condition that easily, just for the fun of it? Seriously? Fuck off! You know you don’t have the discipline, and the last thing I need right now is to worry about how someone else is looking purely to boost their own ego.
3. Do not, under any circumstances, ask to have a taste of the food a Bodybuilder eats during their cheat meal.
One meal a week. Just one. That’s all I get. You can order the same very meal any day of the week at any time, but why do you find it necessary to have to taste my particular meal? If you want to taste my meal, order exactly the same thing. You steal a chip from my plate, expect to be stabbed through the hand by my fork.
4. Tell them they are looking skinny or sick, and that they should eat more.
Writing this is making me angry, so you can just imagine how much it pisses me off when it actually happens. No shit my face is looking skinny. So I look gaunt and tired… big deal! Bodybuilders, even when depleted, have enough brainpower to look at themselves in the mirror and realise that they are looking a little bit skinnier than usual, so they definitely don’t need to be reminded day after day by some fucktard who has absolutely no idea what is involved when dieting for a bodybuilding competition.
5. Tell them what they are doing is unhealthy
Look, I understand bodybuilders have people who care about them and their general wellbeing, and this doesn't mean that there are in fact occasions where bodybuilders push themselves past their limits and risk not only their health but their lives. But if you are seriously concerned with someone’s health during their prep, do your research first and understand why bodybuilders do things like ‘carb load’ and ‘water deplete’ before you give them a lecture about something you really don't know anything about.
6. Ask a bodybuilder to repeat themselves after you didn't hear what they said the first time.
Plain and simple, if you didn't hear it the first time, BAD LUCK! A bodybuilder uses up so much precious energy to muster up the brain-power to string a single sentence together when carb depleted. It takes so much effort and dedication to get the words to travel from my brain and out of my mouth. If you didn’t think my words were important enough to listen to the first time, expect a moment of dead silence when you ask me to repeat myself.
Okay, I’m stopping at 6 because I’m just going to start sounding like a massive whinger. If you have prepped for a show and could honestly say that you don’t agree with anything I have said, then you obviously didn't diet hard enough, didn't do enough cardio, or are either a Buddhist or Jedi.
But in all seriousness, every single bodybuilder or figure competitor who has actually withstood the sacrifice necessary to get through a full 16 week contest prep will know exactly what I’m talking about here. I’m sure that there are a shitload more things I could add to this list, but these 6 are probably the top 6 things that grind my gears the most during contest prep!
Mark Grech