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Pitbull Quads- Rimon Al Khoury: IFBB Junior (Part 1)

Pitbull Quads-


IFBB Junior Competitor Rimon Al Khoury

Photos and Text By Matt Knappick

Looking at Rimon Al Khoury today one thing that didn’t cross my mind is the fact that he was extremely overweight as a child. Standing in front of me with the gaunt face of a dieting bodybuilder, veins and lines everywhere and the epitome of being in shape....abs, I found it hard to believe until he showed me a photo on his iphone. There was a picture of a fat kid, it seemed impossible to be the same person, but when he told me he was bullied for being overweight I though back to Pumping Iron and what Mike Katz talks about, “You can kick a dog and it will do two things, its either gonna roll over and die or its gonna bite you and attack you”. It makes sense, Rimon bites back and with a nick name like Pit-bull, this guy is locked on and aint letting go.


Deep in Sydney’s south west lies what is probably one the best equipped training facilities in the country, World Gym Bankstown where this Pit-bull has taken his physique to the next level. Just 12 days out from the 2012 IFBB Nationals he is running on less than 50grams of carbs a day and feeling pretty depleted. Its leg day and at his side to push him through hell is his girlfriend Jessica Terzian, who recently won the ANB Central Coast Bikini division.



After warming up on leg extensions its off to the rack, before heading over I ask him,” what do you squat normally?” Pitbull answers “four plates normally but I feel tired and weak so just three today”. The first two warm up sets go by easy and now he’s up for three plates. After he lifts out he lowers steadily deep into the “bucket” driving the weight back up with supreme control just short of lock and lowers back down again. Rep after rep falls without pause until he reaches the 6th rep, where that fatigue (anyone who has prepped for a show knows all too well) begins to set in. Most would re-rack it but this guy cranks Aanother four and with each successive rep comes a louder howl and a slower lock out. Finally after 10 he racks it, immediately Jessica rips off a plate from either side and pit-bull gets straight back under it. Out again two plates lowering deep and driving steadily he manages another 12 with that weight. He racks it again and Jessica rips off another plate, I lose count of how many reps he gets out with one plate, but it looks harder than the initial three plater. Bar racked, belt and wraps off and pacing around head slumped looking ill from that lunatic set, it’s time for leg press.  


Click Here For Part 2

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