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Do you have troubles with a specific area on your body that you just cant get the fat off? Is it the fat on your hips that roll over your jeans, the most undesirable man boobs, or the donut of fat around your stomach. I have numerous clients that first come to me needing to lose fat that they cant lose, they thought they were doing everything right, but unfortunately some were only making the problem worse. Many gym goers have the perception to be flogging themselves on the treadmills to get their weight loss goals, but only achieve sore knees and higher waste bands. Ranging from the physique competitor needing to lose the last 2% body fat for show time, or a general gym goer wanting to get the best out of their time spent in the gym, this is the answer your looking for. Gaining a healthy, lean, strong, great looking body is a lot easier than you think.
Changing a few behaviours with your nutrition, lifestyle, training and supplementation is what will bring your keg of a tummy to a 6 pack. Don’t waste your time and money on getting nowhere.
Common problems are the specific cures.
Stomach fat: “The unattractive fat that just wont go”
Cause: Holding fat around the abdomen is due to the body being under long-term exposure to the stress hormone Cortisol. Cortisol causes abdominal fat by inhibiting growth hormone. It can be due to food sensitivities, over training or even the interest rate hike.
How to Solve:
Lifestyle: To reduce Cortisol and stress in you body you must alleviate stress from your life. Download a meditation podcast, spend time relaxing before bed, get your 7-8 hours of catching Zzz and learn to chill out and be grateful. Smiling once in a while helps as well.
Nutrition: Cut sugar out of your eating; eat a low GI diet to control blood sugar levels. It increases stress and makes you fat, so YES, the late night desert and sweets unfortunately are terrible. Also rule out any food sensitivities that you may have to stop bloating.
Training: Keep your training to a max of 45 minutes of intense training. Having shorter training sessions at a higher intensity will limit the stress on the body. Also plan your recovery into your weeks. Over training is a silent killer to progress. If you don’t let the body recover form your hard work, it can’t restore itself.
Supplementation: A specific Cortisol reducer is Magnesium. A deficiency in magnesium intensifies reactions to stress. Magnesium is also a major player in many other functions in the body, so a insufficiency can lead to other health worries.
Upper Back Fat: “The fatty roles around your bra strap”
Cause: Fat that is located on the upper back is due to the individual not being able to handle the high GI carbohydrate diet that is currently eaten. A large portion of the population isn’t able to tolerate a diet high in sugar, seen why there are so many obese today. A diet high in carbohydrates causes large fluctuations in Insulin levels causing numerous problems.
How to solve:
Nutrition: You know it; put the lollies and chocolate away. If you want to cut body fat, a change in your eating is essential. This is number one! No sugar! I would recommend going on a two-week diet boot camp to change bad behaviours, and set you up for weight loss.
Training: Resistance training regularly every week will increase your metabolism and help create your body become insulin sensitive. In layman’s, it will burn fat and stop your body from turning sugar into fat.
Lifestyle: Regular training and conscious eating will play a chief roll into creating a leaner body. Eating out will be a hurdle, so be sure to think about what you order and go for lean meats with quality vegetables that aren’t swimming in sweet sauces.
Supplementation: Fish oil. Good quality, clean Omega 3 will do the job to help fight the insulin problem. Important to know that fish oil is one of the most important supplements to take, the sources should come from small fish, low in the food chain to ensure low toxins.
Fat Thighs = ‘Legs that don’t resemble Miranda Kerr’s’
Cause: Fat being stored around the quadriceps and hamstrings is due to, too high levels of estrogens (female hormone) or the body not able to detoxify the estrogen properly. This is not just a female problem, the cases of males having fatter legs is rising sharply.
How to solve:
Nutrition: Eat your green vegetables. The cruciferous family of vegetable containing watercress, broccoli and cabbage have high levels of a chemical ‘DIM’ that is a potent fighter against estrogen. Man-made estrogens are found in air fresheners, pesticides, plastic containers and tinned foods. You can avoid such nasty’s by Eating organic, avoiding lotions and colognes that contain ‘parabens’, using glass products to store food,
Training: Be sure to apply squats, deadlifts, power cleans and other large muscle group exercises in your programming. These will create the body to burn more calories and also help excrete chemicals such as growth hormone that will help shed fat. Also change your ‘sissy’ cardio workouts to intense interval sessions.
Lifestyle: Be sure to that your sleep is quality. You should be catching Zzz's for 7-8 hours and not wake during sleep. There should be no light or noise in the room, so one method to avoid these is a sleeping mask and earplugs, yes I know, not the most attractive look. But it will make a difference to your bodies recovery.
Supplementation: Green tea extract and as mentioned before DIM is an excellent source of detoxifying the body from estrogens. The dosage should be individualised and come form a trained professional. Make sure that the nutrition and training are up to par so that your not wasting money with supplements.
These well-documented concepts are crafted into the system ‘Biosignature Modulation’ by a Canadian strength coach Charles Poliquin ( It is moulded around the theory that we store body fat because of our hormonal profile. It shows that where ever a hormonal imbalance is present, spot reduction is possible with faster results. You heard me right; this is a system for targeted weight loss.
A Biosignature practitioner is taught to pin point the disproportionate amounts of fat being stored around the body and manages it with the combination of targeted diet, training, supplementation and lifestyle modifications. You can visit to find a Biosignature practitioner near you, or contact me book a consultation.
Avoid disappointment, and gain the know how to get your results with less effort than you first thought. You would be mad not to.
Chris Dufey is a highly sought after personal trainer for the results he creates with his clients. Specializing in fat loss and body transformation, Chris has travelled the globe and learnt from the best in the world. This shows with what he produces with the range of clients he has from stay at home mums, corporate executives, professional sporting athletes and sports models. For serious clients only, go to
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