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Bodybuilding is the pursuit of perfecting ones aesthetics by minimizing fat and maximizing muscle mass. This is achieved by the specific manipulation of nutrition, training protocol, supplementation, rest and mental application. Much more than a sport, bodybuilding is an art, a way of life to some.
So, the question that remains, why should you start bodybuilding? What are the benefits for you?
Unfortunately, bodybuilding has been associated with all types of crazy diets, chronic levels of monotonous cardio and countless hours in the gym. Not to mention the issue of anabolic steroids and performance enhancing drugs. Before you get sucked in to the artificial, inaccurate mirage, let me offer the 3 big reasons why the sport of bodybuilding could be the “messiah” modern society desperately requires.
1. Discipline
Bodybuilding is a sport that teaches everyone who pursues it unparalleled levels of discipline. An elite bodybuilder must have perfect order and structure to ensure their success. Not only in regards to training, but also diet, sleep, supplementation and state of mind. It promotes self discipline. Don’t let this deter you from the outset. The beauty of bodybuilding is the discipline is something that is inherently built incrementally. Whilst initially, the change of getting into the gym and paying attention to diet may seem both tedious and impossible, results will soon follow. Not only in aesthetics, but the way you feel. When these results become noticed, it becomes easier and easier to become more disciplined.
2. Health benefits
Again, a commonly held misconception about bodybuilding is it is not necessarily an industry conducive to a healthy lifestyle. The idea is that unhealthy methods are employed with little more than aesthetic goals in mind. However, one can be both healthy and have a physique worthy of stepping on any bodybuilding stage. Subsequent articles will address how to structure a diet for both health and aesthetics (so stay tuned!)
3. Improvement in self esteem
The final reason is simple. Paying attention to diet and exercising is a bullet proof formula to ensure you feel better. Not only emotionally, but also in a physical, aesthetic sense. Not to mention, the extra attention from the opposite sex when those shirts start fitting a bit tighter! Bodybuilding will ensure you walk around feeling strong and knowing you look good. This not only results in an increase in self esteem, but also portraying a generally more confident persona.
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